Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pyramid Engineering


A lucky 7 emerged from the end of Spring Break, equipped with plenty of Easter candy to tackle all that was in store for them. According to the Easter Bunny, the following may have happened.

Mosey over to 3rd Pres for COP. Report overhead flickering light to the appropriate Pax. So noted.

Over to the back parking lot for indigenous people bear crawl. The pax at the end does 5 burpees, runs to catch up, taps the new 6, and takes point at the front. Somehow Fudd found us and joined mid-exercise.

Over to the third parking lot where we picked up blocks for a modified 4-corners. Curls, overhead presses, APDs with blocks, squats, swings, and tricep extensions.


Triple Check – Partner 1 runs with the block, partner 2 does block bench, and partner 3 does elbow plank.

Repeat the 4-corners exercise.

Replace blocks in their wooded enclave and perform Lindsays the way home – box cutters and carolina dry-docks.

American Hammers and Flutter Kicks to finish up.

YHC took us out.


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