Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

Five strong redwoods fought off the fartsack and journeyed to the Heartbreak Ridge for a journey into unknown hate given the expansive options, and here is how it went down. COP 25 SSH 25 IW 15 DQ 10 2x merkins 25 FM 15 Pickle Pounders 15 American hammers 25 helicopters Mosey to the tennis courts for a bearimeter 30 LBC at each corner Rinse and repeat with elbow planks at each corner Mosey to adjoining hard surface for modified 4 corners (10, 15, 20, 25 reps at each corner) Crab cakes Deep squats Merkins Monkey Humpers WWII sit-ups Carolina Dry…

Those iconic words of Douglas MacArthur as he famously left The Philippines were ringing heavily in the ears of seven brave men as they entered the gloom this morning. Of course, this day in 1942 marked one of the darkest points in the Pacific Theatre of WWII, culminating in the devastating retreat known as the Bataan Death March. After a brief COP (SSH, DQ, WWIIs, Dive Bombers), PAX did their own Bataan Death March around the HBR campus: Indian Run, with the 6 completing five burpees before coming up front. Multiple stops along the way included dips on the bleachers,…

Winter must end soon.  One what is hopefully the last day of really cold temps 7 noble warriors fought through the chilly conditions.  Here is how it went down. COP 25 SSH 25 IW 15 DQ 12 2x merkins 20 FM 15 2x pickle pounders 25 Helicopters 10 minutes of burpees 40 APD Mosey to the jerkin gym for an 11 with jerkins/WWII sit-ups Mosey to the parking lot for a triple check – wall sit, LBC, run Lunge walk to the invisible shovel flag COT with YHC taking us out Great work by the PAX today.  It was good…

3 trusted stalwarts came out to conquer this morning. The rain beat us to the start line but didn’t keep us from our goal. THE THANG Mosey to the southeast corner of the parking lot to get legs warmed up. Disclaimer. Warmup COP (all in cadence): -16 jump shots -20 IW -16 DQ -20 LBCs -16 CDD Mosey to the south The Lucky Horseshoe – Challenge extended to the PAX to do full motion/good form exercises. Do a lap of the track and do 20 of the marked exercises on laminated card corresponding to that lap number. Complete everything you…

A frosty five fought through the snow and ice to post in mid March. We safely and slowly took on the gloom with: COP – SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks. Mosey to back field. 20 Donkey Kicks, Bear Crawl. Then Chicken Peckers, fail!. Over to Basketball hoops. 5 Hand-release Merkins on 1 side, 10 HR Merkins other side. Repeato but replace Merkins with 10 WWII situps. Down to the track . 3 sets of: 10 Derkins & 20 Benchkicks. Then introduce Tuco to Jerkin Gym. 3 sets of AMRAP Jerkins. 2 trips up Heartbreak hill, Bernie Sanders style. Back to…

5 of the West End (and F3 RVA’s) finest gathered in the gloom today to better themselves. Here’s what went down: THE THANG: Mosey to the grassy area in front of the school Warmup COP (all in cadence) – Invisible Jump Rope x25, IW x20ish, DQ slowly x 10, Merkins x10, Freddie Mercury x20 Mosey to the bottom of the hill between football & baseball fields. Partner hills/Lieutenant Dans – One partner runs up the hill while other does LDs at the bottom. Switch and repeat 3x each, plank-o-rama, then do 3x each again, and plank-o-rama again. Mosey to the…

Six strong came out to Heartbreak Ridge despite the frost. We did: COP of SSH, Don Qs, Hillbillies, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. Mosey to Honeysuckle Hill. Bear crawl up, 3 Burpees at top, run back and B2W. Next run up hill, 5 Burpees at top, then back. 30 Jump Squats. Lunge rest of fence then 3 burpees. Head to tennis courts. Partner up- Wheelbarrow to net then 10 Derkins. Switch partner. Repeato x3.  Then 3 sets of 20 PLTs. Head to Basketball court- 5 Hand-release Merkins at each hoop, then 10 on hoops on other side. Off to Jerkin Gym…

7 champions, none of which signed up to Q, arrived at Heartbreak Ridge in today’s gloom ready to tackle the day. YHC, fresh off of ending the battle against the mouse in the attic, decided on the spot that everyone should have the opportunity to try for a victory lap. The Shovel Flag was planted, and the first 6 took off to begin the journey. THE THANG Mosey around the north half of the parking lot to get legs warmed up, and land back next to the shovel flag Warmup COP: Hammer time x20 IC (Offshore style) Merkins x20 IC…

The Q arrived with cobwebs and yawns.  The PAX quickly learned not to let that deceive them.  The short BB does not give this beatdown justice.  Here is how it went down. COP 25 SSH 25 IW Unknown number of DQ as the mumblechatter overtook counting 25 helicopters (at least that was the goal in the midst of continued mumblechatter) 10 2x merkins 20 2x LBC Burpee march in the parking lot, total of 60 burpees, 60 WWII sit-up and 60 2x flutter kicks Mosey to Heartbreak Hill – 10 sprints up the hill Mosey to the playground on the…

YHC showed up extra early this am to get a lay of the land. First Q for Heartbreak Ridge. Big AO so with time to spare, YHC formulated his workout for a West End PAX inbound. YHC parked near the buses and waited to see the appropriate place to park…..ah, Offshore was first and YHC moved accordingly. Closer to the track, mid parking lot. 6 regular West End gents and 1 SOJ regular posted and this is how it went down. 0530…Time to Mosey. One warm up lap around the parking lot. COP- Invisible Jump Rope x 15, Copperhead Squats…

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