Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

7 HBR regulars and 1 visitor from TN posted to Heartbreak Ridge on a humid morning. Conspiracy coming in at 5:29 gave us an even 8. We got to work, some would say 43 seconds early: COP: SSH, Hairy Rockets, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks (per loose goose request), Don Qs. Mosey over to Heartbreak Hill for a: Dora 123: 100 V-Ups, 200 Merkins, 300 Jump Squats while partner runs up & down Heartbreak Hill. Plank and then over to Jerkin Gym: 3 rounds of: 10 Jerkins & 20 PLTs Finish up with loop around Parking lot: Alternate Bear Crawl and…

6 PAX gathered at Heartbreak Ridge to kick off the 2019-20 school year. It went like this: Mosey around the parking lot to the field house for warmup of 20x SSH, 10x Helicopter (yes, singular), 5x super slow Don Quixote, 15x Cherry Pickers, 15x LBC and 10x Merkins. Back up to the parking lot and around the perimeter, stopping at each of the 18 painted arrows for an alternating 5x Lt. Dan, 5x MHs, 5x star jumps at each arrow. Plank for the six. Mental note that Google imagery inaccurately depicts 12 arrows… Down to the Jerkin Gym and partner…

A spectacular six showed at Heartbreak Ridge to see what Coach Wojo had in store for this morning’s practice. With YHC’s FitBit left at home, this morning’s beat down was aided by Verizon’s finest certified pre-owned replacement I-Phone X. 5:30 Bell? Let’s mosey. COP Mosey to the teacher’s parking area for COP 30 SSHs15 DQs20 Imperial Walkers25 LBCs15 Flutterkicks15 Armcircles + reverso. Warm? Let’s boogie. The Thang Exercise I – Burpee Mile Mosey to the dirt track. 1 mile run with 12 burpees every quarter of a mile. Mumble chatter included blowing chow, slurpees and the preference for a *BEER*…

A hearty 6 showed up for the Q’s late birthday bash. After a quick run around the school we circled up for the following: SSH (43 of them), Don Quixote, Hill Billies, LBCs and APDs. Off to the track for a lap with 4 corners of exercises – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 mountain climbers and 20 jump squats. We went next door to the jungle gym and took turns doing 5 pull ups while the rest of the pax took turns doing 5 dips. Off to the field of dreams to run the bases (100% speed to first, 50%…

7 gloom all-stars posted on this glorious Tuesday and bellied up to the bar for a steaming pot of Gumbo. It was served with the following side dishes: 5 of us Moseyed a lap around the parking lot to allow Garbage Plate to catch up – it didn’t take long. Circle up in the near corner for COP, including: DQsHelicoptersSSHs — Flipper appeared LIFOImperial WalkersCopperhead SquatsTempo MerkinsLBCsAPDs THE THANG – 7 OF DIAMONDS Gather at the nearest lamp post for explanation of the routine and the description of the Diamond (i.e., the large square). Start at the first lamp post…

A few familiar faces and some summer tour visitors graced Heartbreak Ridge on a spectacular morning.  Conditions were ideal for these noble warriors, and here is how it went down: COP40 SSH15 IW15 DQ15 helicopters10 2x merkins20 Suzanne Somers, each leg25 APD40 2x LBCMosey to the car line where each PAX member grabbed a pole, doing 20 boxing cockroaches followed by a 4-pole bear crawl and 20 PLTs, then rinse and repeat until we traversed the full car pool lineMosey to the tennis courts, partner up for partner wheelbarrows from baseline to net with 10 derkins at the end, rinse…

9 stalwarts, including one unhappy camper, assembled in the Heartbreak Ridge parking lot to see what would be in store for the morning. Wary of YHC grabbing the Q when it was open late yesterday, the Pax knew in their bones what to expect before even seeing the laminated Weinke. Here’s how it went… more or less.COP: Invisible jump rope, Russian soldiers, Merkins (slow up, slow down), storm squats Mosey to the track for the Lucky Horseshoe.Do a lap of the track and do 20 of the marked exercises on laminated card corresponding to that lap number. Complete everything you can…

7 West End Studs and 1 lone traveler (YHC) emerged from their vehicles, ready for a rain soaked boot camp.  YHC arrived around 5:23 and planted the Ghost Flag.  There seems to be little fan fare to follow the Ghost Flag over the last couple of months.  Or, it could be it’s not well advertised, but in any case, we were ready to get on with it.  COP:  DQ’s, Helicopters, Hillbillies, SSH’s, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury’s, Hand Release Merkins. The Thang:  Mosey to the track for a warm up lap.  At each turn, 5 Burpees.  Stay on the track and…

12 men, apparently thinking they were teenagers, suited up for another game of Ultimate at Heartbreak Ridge in the gloom. They welcomed one FNG, who held his own well, and then took on the field for (likely) the last game of F3 Ultimate this summer. YHC felt like Rod Tidwell’s QB after floating one too high for Angus, only to watch — in slow motion, “Jacked UP” style — Mouse Trap to come streaking into the picture, both men fully collided and then flopped on the ground. It keeps replaying over and over in my head, and it wasn’t pretty. Angus…

11 strong and willed HIMs posted for a nearly perfect conditioned morning at Heartbreak Ridge. The rumor mill must have been humming of YHC VQ’s the day prior as some Summer Tourists descended to a West End AO staple at Quioccasin Middle. Hoedown’s workout was tough to beat, but we gave it hell trying. COP With a leg heavy day ahead for the PAX, we had to get our wheels warm. Football style warm up utilizing the parking spaces in the Bus Lot. 2 rounds: Sprint forward, shuffle left on the horizontal, back pedal, shuffle left horizontal. Repeato to the…

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