Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Birthday fun – one week late


A hearty 6 showed up for the Q’s late birthday bash. After a quick run around the school we circled up for the following:

SSH (43 of them), Don Quixote, Hill Billies, LBCs and APDs.

Off to the track for a lap with 4 corners of exercises – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 mountain climbers and 20 jump squats.

We went next door to the jungle gym and took turns doing 5 pull ups while the rest of the pax took turns doing 5 dips.

Off to the field of dreams to run the bases (100% speed to first, 50% to second, 75% to third and turn the jets on for the run to home). Sliding was optional – bonus points would have been awarded for “A League of Their Own” splits slide to home. No takers unfortunately.

Then over to the little gym for 3 rounds of 7 jerkins.

A cool down lap was then followed by Dora 1, 2, 3 on Heartbreak Ridge – merkins, flutter kicks and squats.

Next, run over to the railing for a F3 tunnel of love with the pax taking turns bear crawling under the rest.

Finally, back to the flag for a quick merkin ring of fire.

Numberama, nameorama and the Q took us out.

I was honored to spend my F3 birthday bash with this group. This was a great way to celebrate. Today is also my mom’s birthday who passed away in 2012. She was a great lady who loved to laugh.

Thank you gentlemen. See you in the gloom.


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  1. Happy belated birthday Ronnie. You packed a lot into your party.

    Did your mom like a good buffet? If so, I bet your mom and my dad (who share a birthday) are sharing a laugh and a few pounds of food (well, at least my dad will have his plate piled high).

    I hope you get some good laughs in today in honor of your mom.