Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

4 valiant gentleman descended on Heartbreak Ridge to find again that there is no Q. There seems to be a pattern here which needs to be broken soon. COP by Fireman Ed: Lap around the track, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 Arm circles, 15 2 count mountain climbers and 10 merkins First Exercise: Take 5 benches. do 5 dips, then up to 25 dips by the 5th bench Baton is passed to Ronnie: Mosey to front of school – do 5 merkins, crab walk to other side do 4 merkins, bear crawl to other side, and so forth down to 1…

An even dozen, including 1 visitor, arrived at varying times to Heartbreak Ridge on a gorgeous morning. Again no Q so Handshake started us off: COP: SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Hairy Rocketts (horizonal version) aka inverted upside down Scorpion kicks. Back to main lot for: Quad Check – 1) B2tW, Flutterkicks, Merkins, Run lot & back. Head down to Jerkin Gym: 3 Sets of 10 Jerkins. Pass Q to Offshore: Over to Heartbreak hill – Triple check of Merkins, WWIIs, Bernie Sanders up hill. Hand Q to Garbage Plate, 1 lap of Indian Run then over to ramp: Crawl…

6 PAX were looking around at 5:30 perplexed by two unusual things: an open Q slot at Heartbreak Ridge and 65 degree weather on a morning where it was supposed to be snowing. Atilla took the reins and off we went: COP: SSH, Don Qs, Hillbillies, HRMs, APDs, Helicopters. Mosey over to tennis courts: 3 rounds of Wheelbarrow to net, 10 Derkins each man. Pass Q to Handshake, who took us down to football field for a “Bea” or abbreviated beast of: Merkins, WWIIs, and Burpees. Q passed to Lighthouse: Head over to Jerkin Gym- fake, stop at end of…

Amidst the growing number of election going spectators, 10 chiseled warriors embarked upon an old school ground and pound workout. Here is how it went down: COP30 SSH15 IW15 DQ15 helicopters20 HRM10 2x Suzanne Somers, each leg30 LBCMosey to the football field for a bearimeter stopping every 50 yards (6 total times) to do 10 burpees, 20 WWII sit-ups and 30 APDsMosey to the jerkin gym for 3x 8 repsMosey to the bleachers for 25 bench kicks and 15 derkins, rinse and repeatMosey to the parking lot for some Mary20 FM15 American hammersRing of fire with 10 merkinsCOT with YHC…

Nine nimble warriors came out to find themselves wondering “is this fall” with summerlike weather at HBR. With a Q flummoxed by a late Loose Goose addition we did: COP: SSH (assymetrial optional), Imperial Walkers, Helicopters, Merkins, LBCs, Scorpion Kics. Mosey to bus loop for Dora until PAX count was totaled to 9, scrap it off for Triple Check: Donkey Kicks, Reverse Cruches – full extension, run field & blacktop and back. Head down to football field for: Goalpost Pullups – 4 Sets of 6. Over to bleachers for Benchkicks & Box Jumps: 20×10, 30×15, 40×20. Over to grass for…

0530 Handshake is all-alone in the parking lot. On a rare day that YHC didn’t have to launch early to get home early so The M could run, YHC was solo. YHC thought about giving it 2 minutes before setting off on a solo Q/Pax workout when out of the gloom two cars came screeching in, Loose Goose (the actual Q) and Lighthouse. Upon his fashionable entrance and fresh-from-the Rolodex reason for his tardiness Loose Goose asked if the Pax wanted to run the originally planned Lucky Horseshoe as The Three Amigos. YHC can’t remember what Lighthouse said, but YHC…

7 stalwarts fought off the fart sack for YHC’s return to the Q sheet after sleeping through the last sign-up. Clear skies, cool temps, fall mist and a heavy fog brought back a sneak peak of swamp season at Heartbreak Ridge. While the PAX shivered and mumbled over the shorts-only mandate, the Miata’s older brother Bolted into the circle and Ronnie emerged. 530? It’s go time. Mosey around the Bus Lot and back to the fields for COP SSHs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Arm Circles. Warm? Let’s Boogie. The Thang Exercise I – Descending Deconstructed Burpees Mosey to the top…

8 PAX were ready to go at 5:30 at Heartbreak Ridge on a beautiful fall morning. With one PAX needing to depart early we had a set time for some partner work to knock out: COP in the grass: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Helicopters, Merkins, Heels2Heaven, Scorpion Kicks. Head to end of field: Partner up for Wheelbarrow across the field. Plank up & set of Pickle pounders at the end. Down to Heartbreak Hill: Dora 123 of 100 Merkins, 200 American Hammers, 300 Jump Squats (audible at 150). Then over to Jerkin Gym for 4 sets of 8 Jerkins, just in…

September 24, 2019 There seems to be something in the water as for a second straight day the designated Q failed to show up at a local AO.  Hoping all is well with Wojo and nothing to be concerned about, and the PAX took it in stride with a traditional hot potato Q.  Here is the thang: Mosey around the trackHandshake QCOP with SSH, Russian soldiers, DQ, merkins, scorpion kicks, LBC and 1 burpeeLoose Goose QMosey to elementary school for triple check with run, WWII sit-ups and wall sitRonnie QMosey to the bus stop for a series of pole smokers…

Ocho hombres assembled in the gloom for a healthy helping of DTH love – here’s how we nearly all spilled merlot… The THANG: LIFO-Mosey around Parking Lot, picking up PTrap & Conspiracy en route, then circle up for COP #1 at the Flag: SSH x20 ICDQ x10 ICLBC’s x20 ICBody Builders (8ct Burpee) x10 ICCrab cakes x20 ICNo Cheat Merkins x10 ICMtn Climbers x20 ICDR W x10 IC Mosey around track to Pull-Up bars for COP #2: Follow the Leader Moseycises around track – Shuffle In, Shuffle Out, Butt Kickers, High Knees, Caraoke In, Caraoke Out, Ball Headers Morning Call: Each…

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