Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



7 West End Studs and 1 lone traveler (YHC) emerged from their vehicles, ready for a rain soaked boot camp.  YHC arrived around 5:23 and planted the Ghost Flag.  There seems to be little fan fare to follow the Ghost Flag over the last couple of months.  Or, it could be it’s not well advertised, but in any case, we were ready to get on with it. 

COP:  DQ’s, Helicopters, Hillbillies, SSH’s, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury’s, Hand Release Merkins.

The Thang:  Mosey to the track for a warm up lap.  At each turn, 5 Burpees. 

Stay on the track and line up along the fence, facing up the hill to parking lot for 11’s.  Donkey Kicks at the bottom, Hand Release Merkins at the top, starting with 1 DK, 10 HRM’s. 

Mosey to the Tennis Courts.  Partner up, facing each other from each base line.  Bear crawl to the half court line to meet partner, perform 5 Booyah Merkins, then proceed to the other side of court for 25 SSH’s.  Do this for 3 rounds. 

Stay with Partner for a Lazy Dora…been a while since YHC called this out.  Total counts are 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s.  While one partner is holding plank, the other is performing 10 Merkins.  At completion of 10, partner holding plank picks up to do the next ten, back and forth to 100.  For Squats, alternate 25 reps while one partner is holding Al Gore up to 200.  On the Squats, alternate 20 reps while one partner is holding 6″, up to 300. 

Mosey to grass field for a fire drill…another one of YHC’s favorites.  Feet chopping in place, each Pax member starting to the left of YCH calls out fire, all Pax hits the ground, rolls right to perform a Merkin, rolls back left to perform a Merkin, back to feel.  Continue till it works back around to YHC. 

Stay in circle, holding plank, again starting to the left of YHC to perform 5 Merkins of choice.  Work around circle back to YHC. 

Mosey back to flag with a minute to spare.  Circle up for some Smurf Jacks in cadence.  Times up!

Numberama, Namerama


HDHH Wednesday – Palani Drive 6PM

Puppy Pile Saturday

Flange took us out. 

Great to have a break from heat and humidity this morning and to see some rain falling…much needed!  The West Enders easily take the Ghost Flag, with no competition in site.  Great to meet folks I haven’t already met and thanks for allowing me to lead. 


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  1. Thanks for taking the lead today. It’s nice to have the Ghost Flag back in Tuckahoe, it’s been a while. It always seems to always be in SOJ’s or Daville’s hands.

  2. Handshake I will have to disagree with that comment. DaVille just got the Ghost Flag back early this summer thanks to a SOJ takeover. Before then, it had been over a year since we had it.

    Glad to see the Ghost Flag has made it to all four primary nano regions this summer!