Seven of the able-bodied Faithful posted at the CM under a stunning full moon and ideal conditions. There was little time for pleasantries though, of course, there was a pithy and code compliant welcome and disclaimer. We got right at it as follows:
1st Quarter – 10 Minute EMOM:
Odd Minutes:
X5+ KB American Swings
X5+ KB Squat and High Pulls
X5+ KB Squat and Presses
Even Minutes:
X5+ KB Right Arm Rack Left Lunge
X5+ KB Left Arm Rack Right Lunge
X5+ KB Triceps Presses
Farmer’s Carry One Lap of The CM – Single KB (alternating R to L)
2d and 3d Quarters – The 300:
X25 Pole Smokers
X25 KB Right Snatches
X25 Merkins
X25 KB Left Snatches
X25 Air Squats
X25 KB Right Swings
X25 APDs
X25 KB Left Swings
X25 CDDs
X25 KB Right Clean and Presses
X25 Curtsey Lunges
X25 KB Left Clean and Presses
Farmer’s Carry One Lap of The CM – Single KB (alternating R to L)
4th Quarter – 10 Minute EMOM:
Odd Minutes:
X5-X10 KB Halos Clockwise
X5-X10 KB Tricep Presses
X5-X10 KB Halo Counter-Clockwise
Even Minutes:
X5-X10 KB Pull overs
X5-X10 KB WWII Sit-ups
X5-X10 KB Seated Presses
Farmer’s Carry One Lap of The CM – Two KBs OR Two Laps Run of the CM
Counterama and Namearama
Announcements: (1) BRR (see TYA re possible open slots), ReeseStrong 5K (see Phonics or D’Ville PAXters), and Spartan Race (see Toga); (2) Grow school August 6 following special DogPile Convergence at 0700am.
Toga closed us with prayer and set us out to the workday committed to seek all things good. Special prayer for Toga’s father – appeal to the Great Physician.
All business today – quick pace.
Glad to have J’ville back from canoe excursion in the Boundary Waters. Also nice to have Jolly Rancher (War Baby) for the first youth posting at the Circus Maximus – well done JR. BTW, J’Ville gives credit to CM for his ability to one-arm hoist his canoe through portage trails requiring serious bushwacking.
White Deer (War Daddy) accepted condolences as he marks his 55.
Attila appears to have posted early this am and asked who’s Qing? Learning that it was YHC he uttered something like: “Oh good, I won’t need to lock my car as it will surely be within arm’s reach for the entire workout.” Just 45 minutes later – on the elective two lap run of the CM at the end of the workout – Toga was observed running an extra half lap to usher Attila to the COT – just saying.
Rosie claims one of the PAX duped him into false starting during the EMOM 10s – the more discerning PAX know better and viewed Rosie’s conduct as part of a purposeful effort to deprive the heavy KB-toting Toga of any meaningful recovery.
The workout was solid, the fellowship strong. Great way to start the day with each one of you. Blessings.
Way to work guys !
That was one of our better kb workouts. There were a lot of reps jammed into 45 minutes. Solid Q!
I need to go back to school and study, Latin I guess, just to understand an earthworm backblast.
Sounds like a great morning gents
Great workout today EW. The EMOM felt longer than 10 min each round. I appreciated the lack of running at an EW Q more today after running in the morning and evening yesterday.