Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Circus Maximus


The gloom called (namely an unexpected cold wind), and 4 magnificent warriors answered.  Here is how it went down. COP (Johnsonville) 10 burpees 30 SSH 10 count descending merkin ladder with wide-grip, regular and diamond merkin rotation Arm circles – 25 forward, 10 backward Mosey to the bus loop for a countdown to the 12 days of Christmas – KB style (YHC) 12 lawnmower pulls (each arm) – 144 per arm total 11 pullovers – 121 total 10 weighted squats – 100 total 9 KB swings – 81 total 8 weighted lunges – 64 total 7 halos – 49 total…

The gloom called, and 3 consistent, faithful warriors answered.  Here is how it went down. COP 25 SSH 25 IW 25 DQ 20 merkins 25 LBC 10 pickle pounders Arm circles – 25 forwards and backwards Triple check – farmers carry, weighted squats, single arm swings Death Bearimeter – one man death crawls with 25 lb weight, one man lunges, one man runs loop (switch when runner rejoins other 2 until around the bus loop) Series of planks Triple check – around the world walk, tricep curls, sit ‘n presses COT – YHC took us out The PAX was solid…

The gloom called, and 3 consistent, faithful warriors answered.  Here is how it went down. COP 25 SSH 25 IW 20 merkins 25 LBC 15 pickle pounders 25 flutter kicks Arm circles – 10 big/5 small, forwards and backwards Catch me if you can – 10 burpees with double farmers carry x4 KB escalator 15 Pullovers 15 Skull crushers, 20 pullovers 15 Lawnmover pulls (each arm), 20 Skull crushers, 25 pullovers 15 single arm swings (each arm), 20 Lawnmover pulls (each arm), 25 Skull crushers, 30 pullovers 15 squats, 20 single arm swings (each arm), 25 Lawnmover pulls (each arm),…

Four strong posted at CM on a delightful autumn morning in the West End that was marred only by the inconsiderate winds of two chronic offenders. THANG: X10 SSHs, X10 DQs, X10 Slow Deep Squats, X10 Curtsey Lunges, and X15 Arm Circles Fwd and Rvs. Various stretch runs KB Shuffle Left – X20 Merkins, X10 KB LH Press, X20 KB Swings, and X20 KB High Pulls KB Shuffle Right – X20 Merkins, X10 KB RH Press, X20 KB Swings, and X20 KB High Pulls KB Carioca Left – X20 Merkins, X10 KB LH Press, X20 KB Swings, and X20 KB…

Dressed in a manner that spawned severe rebuke from the chronic critic among the Pax, four strong posted at CM in a gentle rain and pleasant temperature and demonstrated that “clothing does not make the man” as follows: THANG: X10 SSHs, X10 DQs, X10 Slow Deep Squats, X10 Curtsey Lunges, and X10 Arm Circles Fwd and Rvs. The Inner Circle: X12 KB Rvs Lunges – Right X12 KB Cleans – Right X12 KB Presses – Right X10-12 KB Rvs Lunge, Clean, and Press movements – Right X12 KB Rvs Lunges – Left X10-12 KB Rvs LCPs – Right X12 KB…

A faithful four came out to the Circus on a beautiful fall morning. 48 degrees, stocking cap weather for some, and clear and YHC was allowed to keep his Q that he signed up for. We did- COP – SSH, Helicopters, Scorpion Kicks, Don Qs, Merkins, LBCs. Grab the KB for- 50 Swings, 25 Squats, 20 Around the World, 25 Squats, Merkin Rows, Squats, Boat-Canoe. Elbow plank & Pickle Pounders. Attempted Chicken Peckers w/ KB. Not successful. Audible to 3 sets of Donkey Kicks and LBCs. More Boat-Canoe. Line up under columns. Lunge between column, 5 Merkin Rows at each…

No Q, no problem.  We can make this go on the fly.  Here is how a pair of faithful CM PAX tackled the morning with an enthusiasm unbeknownst to the rest of mankind: COP 30 SSH 25 IM 10 burpees 20 flutter kicks 20 LBC 20 merkins 20 Helicopters Farmers carry to the pillars for a beast – farmers carries with sit ‘n presses, high pulls, shoulder presses, weighted squats, lawnmower pulls (each arm) and another set of sit ‘n presses 10 burpees Wall sit Grab some curb 30 pullovers 25 heels to heaven 20 skull crushers 20 single arm…

An experienced PAX of five gathered for this cool morning’s Circus Maximus.  As YHC is preparing this backblast, I realize I skipped the disclaimer altogether.  You would have thought that attorneys that posted this morning – representing 40% of those assembled – would have halted action to remind YHC of the necessity of providing the disclaimer. The Thang:  COP with 30 x Invisible Jumpropes, 15 x Don Quixotes, 15 x Imperial Walkers, 15 x Russian Soldiers, and 15 x Arm Circles (forward and back/big and small).  Move about 25 feet to “flat ground” and complete five Burpees and 10 SSHs…

YHC embarked upon leg 2 of 3 of his triple crown of Q’ing.  Today, the Circus Maximus Q.  YHC was joined by a trio of faithful members of the PAX.  Here is how it went down: COP 30 SSH 20 Russian Soldiers 20 DQ 20 merkins 20 Freddie Mercuries 20 Crab Cakes 10 burpees Arm circles – 10 small/5 large; both forwards and backwards Farmers carry to the bus loop for a weighted variation of the four corners (series of exercises at each stop with farmers carry to each point; 2 total trips around the loop) 15 Lawnmower pulls (each…

Six strong posted to Circus Maximus to answer the proverbial question:  Which is worse- Posting to a Kettlebell workout with a 10 lb Purple Kettlebell or no Kettlebell at all? Pre- 5:30 loaners were provided (thanks White Deer) and we got started: COP – Slaughter starter- 10 Burpees, Don Qs, Flutterkicks, Helicopters, Scorpion Kicks. Grab bells for laps around median stopping for: KB Swings, Around the world Squats, Halos, Pullovers, Burpees, and Boat-Canoe. 3 Laps through and then Mary to finish – American Hammers and Alabama Softball Players. COT and Atilla took us out. NMS – Atilla shared with us…

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