Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Source of Truth

Midlothian Middle

After several weeks of having a Q on the Q sheet, five men emerged in the below freezing temperatures this AM to find a Q-less AO (YHC really needs to get into the habit of checking that thing the night before).  A hot potato was called and Mr. Roper (full of fear that he might have to write up a BB) volunteered to go first.  Here’s what went down: Mr. Roper Q: Mosey to the front of MMS. COP (as best as YHC can remember…but Mr. Roper will never read this anyway so YHC can say anything he wants): SSH…

A PAX of 5 defied the draw of a Hardywood WDOG Q to post to the Source of Truth. YHC had the Q…and a SOJ beatdown was in order….it went something like this: THANG No Slaughter Start – no burps to save Bullseye’s neck/back issues… Therefore, mosey around school back to front of school COP: SSH, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Tempo Merkins, Plank, Hello Dollies, LBCs Mosey around school back to front of school Partner up to Touch a Tree: partner 1 performs Lt. Dans, partner 2 touches a tree and runs back. Repeato, touch 1x tree each round, don’t touch…

Thirteen gentlemen stepped onto the grounds of Midlothian Middle School for an early morning beatdown.  This is what occurred. Mosey around the School.  Circle up on back side of School for COP attempt #1.  Before the introduction is completed, a bus drives towards us.  DK then led YHC down the hill near the track for COP attempt #2. COP 30 SSH IC Arm Circles – 10 small, 5 big IC  – Reverso 10 Lunges IC 10 Don Quixotes IC 10 Ball Dippers IC 10 Merkins IC 10 Angled Knee Jumps IC 10 Foot to Hand Mountain Climbers 20 LBC IC…

Six SOT regulars, still filled with holiday spirit, emerged in the very chilly gloom this AM. Most of the PAX remained in their heat-filled vehicles right up to 5:30.  Gumbo might even have been taking a pre-beatdown nap. Here’s what went down. Mosey to the front of MMS for COP: SSH x 25 DQ x 15 LBCs x 25 Arm circles x 15 (10 small, 5 big) Advent Calendar: At each numbered door (1-25), perform the called exercise (x door number). Days 1 – 5: Burpees Days 6 – 10: Merkins Days 11-12: WWIIs Days 13-14: Plank Jacks Days 15-16:…

3 jugglers posted and finally emerged from their warm vehicles right at 0530 for an Ice Cold Potato beatdown that went like this: COP (Gumbo) including SSHs, DQs, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Merkins and Freddie Mercuries THE THANG: Burp in a Box (Gumbo) – 5 parking lot spaces and an ice-free (relatively) loop around the parking lot.  1 burpee in the first space, run a lap, 2 burpees in the second space, run a lap…repeato until 5 burpees in the last space and a lap. toss the snow ball to Bullseye  and mosey down to the far bus loop for some…

Six southside regulars and a long, lost F3RVA tribesman of several different titles was called out of the sack to join in a simple, but difficult themed workout. Workout: Mosey to field, circle up – 20 SSH, 20 Don Q, 20 hand release merks, 20 box cutters, 20 LBCs Partner up – Catch me if you can – Partner 1 runs length of football field, partner 2 does 5 burpees and tried to catch Partner 1. Switch and repeat back to beginning. Decrease burpee by 1, repeat. Continue until 1 burpee, 10 football field sprints in total. BLIMP – length…

5 brave souls layered up and posted to SOT this morning from some light calisthenics, including: Mosey to the tennis courts for COP, including: DQs Helicopters SSHs Imperial Walkers Warm-up routine of high knees, butt-kickers, karaoke, backwards runs and bounders (or skipping) THE THANG: Suck Round 1 – 4 PAX members spread out along the baselines of the various tennis courts and performed an exercise while the 5th PAX Member sprinted around the court and bear-crawled the final length to trigger the switching.  Exercises were Merkins, Flutter Kicks, SSHs and Jump Squats. Compounding 4 Corners around the tennis courts –  10…

Seven south of the river stallions gathered at SoT for a much anticipated (by the Q) visitor Q.  YHC was looking forward to the expedition for a few weeks and it didn’t disappoint.  Mosey down the hill to the middle of the football field for: COP SSH – 25 Donald J Quixote – 15 Russian Soliders – 15 Arm Circles – 10x & 5x both ways The Thang Continue to the end of the football field and line up on the goal line for something YHC called Fun on the Football Field. Work down the field to the goal post, completing…

10 men of the gloom (including a returning visitor from Charlotte) descended upon SOT and with no Q on the sheet, YHC took the reigns for a hot potato that went like this: Mosey down the hill toward the dark parking lot for COP, including: DQs Helicpoters SSHs Merkins LBCs The THANG: Gumbo Q – 4 Corners  — On the track, using the lightposts at the 100 meter marks perform the following: Corner 1 – 10 merkins Corner 2 – 10 merkins, 20 jump squats Corner 3 – 10 merkins, 20 jump squats, 30 2-ct flutter kicks Corner 4 -10…

Four of SE Hinton’s S-outhsiders rose from the depths of REM sleep to attend a hot potato Q at Midlo. the thang: Singer – mosey down hill to parking lot – SSH, Don Q, Slow Squats, mountain climbers, merkins, flutters Singer – Dora, partner one runs up stairs, partner 2 does 100 merkins, 200 two-count mountain climbers, 300 squats Rosie – mosey up stairs to school, follow school around performing exercises of the number of each door. starting at 20ish to 30, even numbers do monkey humpers, odds do merkins, 31-33 or 34 – lunges, dips, plank jacks Bullseye -…

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