3 jugglers posted and finally emerged from their warm vehicles right at 0530 for an Ice Cold Potato beatdown that went like this:
COP (Gumbo) including SSHs, DQs, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Merkins and Freddie Mercuries
Burp in a Box (Gumbo) – 5 parking lot spaces and an ice-free (relatively) loop around the parking lot. 1 burpee in the first space, run a lap, 2 burpees in the second space, run a lap…repeato until 5 burpees in the last space and a lap.
toss the snow ball to Bullseye and mosey down to the far bus loop for some crawlbear line tracers – crawl bear halfway down the bus parking line (longer than the car space line), then sprint back to the starting point and do 10 jump squats. Repeato x3.
Somewhere in here we did some plank work led by Bullseye – moving from plank to elbow plank and back.
Rosie is up….Triple Check with lunges, alternating shoulder taps and a run around the large parking lot…watch for ice patches…no spills.
Back to Gumbo for Love Alley – 1 runner 2 men doing the exercises, working our way down the alley to the ice slick and back. Exercises were broad-jump burpees, Russian Soldiers and Polar bears. We all found ice, but still no spills!
Back to Bullseye and we headed to the front door of the school to find the snow and some benches for 2 rounds of 25 Dips and 10 backwards lunges (raising the knee up on the front swing) each leg.
Rosie closed it out with the following:
- 30 second wall sit – 1 snow burpee — must get snow on your chest!
- 30 second wall sit – 2 snow burpees
- 30 second wall sit – 3 snow burpees
- Mosey back to the parking lot for Rando-rama, including (among other things):
- Peter parkers
- Diamond merkins
- Werkins
- Raised leg APDs
- Monkey Humpers
- Pickle Pounders
- LBCs
- side elbow plank with some hip raises
- Superman
- and more…
COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and some fellowship because after all of that it didn’t feel so cold.
It was great to get back out int he gloom after a couple days off for me. After the first blast of cold and after we started moving, it felt great. Lots of ice patches discovered but no spills so that was a success.
We discussed DK and his back issues – hopefully he is on the mend. Get well soon brother.
I hope everyone has been safe on the roads these last few days. Great to see folks posting but safety first…or at least second!
Happy Hump Day — oh, HDHH, next week 12/19 at Capital Ale House Midlothian!
No More Gumbo For You!
1 Comment
Great work fellas!