Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: 45 Minutes of Mary

Mary Munford Elementary

7 surly gents and one geriatric descended upon a frigid Mary to see what she had in store. This is what transpired more or less: COP: Helicopters, DQ’s, Russian Soldiers, and Scorpion Kicks (all Gerry-friendly) Solo Doras: 100 Merkins, 200 LBC’s, 300 Flutter Kicks. Run out and back(wards) across court after each 100. Track run/WWII’s/Jump Squats: (It was a cluster. YHC didn’t explain it well during the workout nor will he attempt to explain it here…) Partner up: Alternating incline merkins and Derkins while partner runs out and performs 15 dips. 3 rounds each. Finish: A few minutes of Mary.…

14 studs posted for Mary this morning and here is how it went down. Long mossy to the church – warm up – helicopters – windmills – scorpion kicks – flutter kicks. Benches : 10 Abyss merkins 10 dips – 10 close grip incline merkins = 3 sets. Triple Check : run to the circle – once at circle bear crawl around circle the bernie sanders to the end of the road – run back to partners. Exercises – WW11’s LT. Dans. Mossy back to Mary : plank while each pax member does as many chin ups as they can.…

35 Thankful posted for a pre- Thanksgiving calorie burn and history lesson. The Thang: Mosey to basketball court for COP. Mosey to field, suicide 11’s with Merkins and LBC, Mosey to side of field for triple check. Mosey to tennis courts for animal walk with merkings, stay at tennis courts for four corners. Mosey to side field for 6 minutes of Mary, to shovel flag for COT. TYA took us out. NMM Always good to have a Thanksgiving day beatdown. Perfect morning for a workout and a great pre thanksgiving day calorie burn. I spent a little time on Thanksgiving…

Thirteen randomly dressed middle aged men assembled near the high pitched hissing generator for today’s 45 Minutes of Mary. Many wondered if it would be 45 minutes of merkins given the gauntlet thrown by El Doctor on the other side of the river. Alas, no gluttony, just a healthy dosage of merkins. Mosey over near 2nd base on the blacktop for today’s rendition of COP which went something like this: SSH x25Merkin x1Copperhead Squats x10Clerkins x2Imperial Walkers x15Werkins x3Russian Soldiers x10Stagger Merkins x4Arm circles x10 (no big ones)Stagger Merkins x5Mountain Climbers x10Merkins x6LBCs x20Clerkins x7Jump Squats x10Werkins x8Helicopters x10Stagger Merkins…

13 strong posted to Mary this morning and here is how it went down. Mossy – warm up – SSH’s Iw’s, scorpion kicks , LBC’s. Black Top : Polar bears to the fence – 10 donkey kicks lunge back – bear crawl to fence 10. donkey kicks sprint back. Teams of three for a triple check run the perimeter of the black top – merkins – LT. Dans . Track: partner up – run opposite ways meet up – 10 booyah merkins – run to finish line 10 booyah merkins . Repeat run opposite way – exercise 10 plerkins -…

A skeptical nine struggled through the mental fog of the morning. Was it Friday run day? Turns out it’s Thursday. Off to the side of the school for COP. Some Helicopters, Russian Soldiers, SSH, Don Quixote, and 20 WWII. Over to the picnic area for 11s with abyss merkins on the picnic tables and Lt Dans. Swirly discusses the multitude of workouts one can do with a picnic table. Mosey to the back track for 4 Corners. Corner 1 – 10 dips Corner 2 – 20 PLT Corner 3 – 10 leg lifts on the bars Corner 4 – 20…

The 31st of October brought 8 warriors and 2 taperers to 45MOM to help YHC celebrate Family Week. This year is 17 years of marriage, 28 years of friendship, and my M’s 48th b-day. Temps were sunny, 70, and muddy. COP: Mosey to the blacktop for… SSHs, IW’s, arm circles, scorpion kicks (soak it up, boys!), HRMs, LBCs, and reverse crunches, all in cadence and capping out at a random number of YHCs choosing. Mosey to the tennis courts for 4.8 Corners: Progressive four corners with the addition of an extra 0.8 to get the PAX to 48. Exercises were…

15 fixtures of F3 RVA fought off the warm fartsack to send off one our own as he embarks on his next chapter in life: Marriage. While YHC is not as well versed in all facets of that game, YHC felt a heavy mix of running, core work, and leg exercises should help young P-Trap develop some of those needed old man RESPECT strengths and skills. While TYA debated over the time accuracy of YHC’s fitbit, the clock struck 530 and it was time to boogie. COP Mosey to the basketball/all world court. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, DQs, Arm Circles (including…

13 gloom warriors (including 2 FNGs) braved the seasonally appropriate chilly morning for YHCs Birthday beatdown and it went a little something like this: long way around the block, no field today since the striper was striping, COP started with 46 SSH and then moved on to reasonable numbers of stretchy warm up exercises. Short mosey to the bus loop curb for merkin 11s (decline, bear crawl, incline, crawl bear) mosey to courts for 7of♦️s that ended with burpees… COT – see Gumbo or Vinny about Stache for Cash, see Greenbow about casino night. Greenbow brought 2 FNGs – Gaston…

14 Redwoods came to Mary looking for something more to the day. YHC provided that extra boost when an iron anvil emerged from the shadows. Mosey to the front of the school for COP in “Sara’s corner”. SSH, Don Quixote, Russian Soldiers, Scorpion Kicks. You know, the usual stuff. Mosey back to the soccer field and line up facing Cary for 21s. The exercises are Merkins and 4-count American Hammers. Each iteration the anvil made its way down the line allowing the Pax member to sit out a round in order to perform curls. Yes, Merkin fest is next month…

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