Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Anvil


14 Redwoods came to Mary looking for something more to the day. YHC provided that extra boost when an iron anvil emerged from the shadows.

Mosey to the front of the school for COP in “Sara’s corner”. SSH, Don Quixote, Russian Soldiers, Scorpion Kicks. You know, the usual stuff.

Mosey back to the soccer field and line up facing Cary for 21s. The exercises are Merkins and 4-count American Hammers. Each iteration the anvil made its way down the line allowing the Pax member to sit out a round in order to perform curls. Yes, Merkin fest is next month so why not get a couple hundred in today?

Over to the adjacent end of the soccer field for the Beast. With this Beast, the anvil comes with us and is passed down the line at each stop. The pax member with the anvil at that time does tricep extensions behind the head. The exercises were APDs, Lt Dans, HRMs, and something else. We got 2/3s of the way done before time was called and off to the VSF.

Labrat took us out partially due to his choice of footwear.

Announcements: Faceplant extended an open invitation to a beer mile event tomorrow night. See him for details.

Time to Taper,



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