Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



13 gloom warriors (including 2 FNGs) braved the seasonally appropriate chilly morning for YHCs Birthday beatdown and it went a little something like this:

long way around the block, no field today since the striper was striping, COP started with 46 SSH and then moved on to reasonable numbers of stretchy warm up exercises. Short mosey to the bus loop curb for merkin 11s (decline, bear crawl, incline, crawl bear) mosey to courts for 7of♦️s that ended with burpees… COT – see Gumbo or Vinny about Stache for Cash, see Greenbow about casino night.

Greenbow brought 2 FNGs – Gaston the commercial realtor who we named Furley but we already had one so he’s now Belle and Tom from Yorktown who is now known as Cornwallis. Welcome boys. Come back.

Thanks for letting me lead and for working out with me on my birthday – Shakedown


About Author

Husband, Dad, VDOT Environmental, iPhonetographer, Part-time Adventurer


  1. Thanks for leading Shakedown! I would ask which Belle but maybe better to just let it lie ?

  2. Hahahahaha – too bad we picked a name of a current Pax. He is only a Sunday Funday runner but he’s semi-regular. I thought it sounded too familiar.