Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Field Trip


14 studs posted for Mary this morning and here is how it went down.

Long mossy to the church – warm up – helicopters – windmills – scorpion kicks – flutter kicks.

Benches : 10 Abyss merkins 10 dips – 10 close grip incline merkins = 3 sets.

Triple Check : run to the circle – once at circle bear crawl around circle the bernie sanders to the end of the road – run back to partners. Exercises – WW11’s LT. Dans.

Mossy back to Mary : plank while each pax member does as many chin ups as they can. Mossy to the other bars – merkins around the bars while 2 pax at a time do 5 pull up crunches.

Mossy back to the flag.

Announcements : Wear your Hawaiian shirt for Dogpile Magnum PI day ! See Labrat if you want in on the mile a day challenge.

Slippin Jimmy took us out.

So most of the mumble chatter revolved around TYA not being able to let go of the FACT that Thanksgiving began in Virginia . I give the dude credit he won’t give up – he sticks to his guns YHC certainly appreciates that but it’s also kinda sad cause he’s just dead wrong – oh well maybe someday he will see the light 🙂

Thanks to the pax for allowing me to lead this morning and for going along with me on a little field trip.

Swirly’s Board 12/5/19 – Tough isn’t born it’s built one rep at a time !

See y’all in the gloom..


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