Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WDog

Byrd Park

It looks like a crispy cold weather tomorrow morning around 28 degree. Mosey through the Park Dr, Pump House Dr., and the Carillon tower (~ 1 mile) to the COP #1. The COP #2: Round 1: Run around the field with 10 merkins at each corner Round 2: Run around the field with 20 SSH at each corner Round 3: Run around the field with 30 jump squats at each corner Mosey to the triangle for the COP #3. Round 1: bear-crawl to the corner, run down the hill, 20 WWII, and run up the hill Mosey back to the…

YHC is not 100% sure that anything F3 does on a regular basis is wise but 3 men where present at WDog this morning to help YHC gather Intel for Saturdays convergence. Sitting in the truck at 5:28 YHC was thinking it was going to be a solo beatdown this morning. With seconds on the clock Hitchhiker rolls in and away we mosey to the circle. On the way we notice a car that we do not recognize pulling up next to our cars. Moments later Bodos brings the count to a perfect triple check number. COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial…

5:28 and YHC thought WDog was going to be a solo event this day. Just in time to mosey Hitchhiker came out of the Gloom to save the day. Mosey to the circle for COP DQ’s, Deadman Hangs, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers Long mosey to the tennis courts Four corners prostitute WWII’s, Squats, Sugar Sticks, Calf Raises Move to the long end of the closest court and run suicides hitting the 3 gaps between the 4 courts and the farthest side line of the last court. Long mosey back to the flag with 2 or 3 stops for a rest and…

Two warriors posted for WDOG this morning and here is how it went down. Mossy, warm ups, broga Rusty Cage : 3 sets 3 over hand 3 under hand pull ups – 3 sets of 10 jerkins. 3 sets of 10 incline merkins, 3 sets of 10 dips. Stage : Block work – 3 sets 10 curls, 3 sets, 10 overhead press, 3 sets of 10 block merkins. 1 mile run back to the flag. Great way to start the day BT enjoyed it brother, way to work . Hope to see the rest of the WDOG crew back soon.…

Party of two WDog regulars emerged from the pouring rain of last night to take on the morning. At first it was just YHC and then with not a minute to spare Hitch arrived. YHC was grateful to have a partner to talk with this morning. It was a light workout day but a good conversation day. Mosey on out to the nickel bridge, light exercises at each post, then mosey back up behind the park, more light stretching at each light pole, then on back to the flag for some continuation of stretching. Good morning to reflect on careers…

5 guardians of Byrd Park (including an old salt revisiting his old stomping grounds) arrived to a glorious and quiet fall morning to see what the replacement Q had in store. Creativity was attempted, and it went something like this: COP: Mosey to the amphitheater circle for: Imperial Walkers x 10, Helicopters x 10, Abe Vigoda’s x 10 (plus x6 for LIFO), Copperhead Squats x 10, Merkins x 10 and Flutter Kicks x 15 THANG: Descend to the Amphitheater floor for Elevation. Each PAX starts on a step at the western end of theater. Perform Merkins x 2, Bear Crawl…

YHC pulled up early to WDog only find Swirly had already secured the AO for the 5 that would eventually head out for a Doozy Q. According to the mountain bike mafia this is what happened. Mosey to the circle for COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Ukrainian Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, Heals to heaven (with a shooting star) Mosey to the grassy pit for a Dora 100 LBC’s, 200 Hello Dollies, 300 Squats partner runs the long way down and back Mosey to the side halfway down for a game of touch a tree. Run across the grassy pit and touch 5…

5 strong posted for WDOG this morning in the rather warm fall gloom, and here is how it went down. Mossy to the theatre for warm ups . Steps : 3 incline merkins at each step focusing on mechanics – 18 steps – work are way back down with 3 good dips each step. Love Hill – partner up – partner one runs to the gate – partner two burpee broad jumps then switch – next exercises are lunges and bear crawl until the team reached the top of the hill. Native American Pole Smokers – 5 pole smokers run…

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