Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Leap

Two men from Richmond did the last ride down 64 westbound to give it away to our brothers from Charlottesville.  Not to disappoint, 10 strong locals rolled up, including 3 FNG’s.  Here is how things shook out: COP SSH Imperial Walkers Arm Circles LBC’s Merkins THANG Triple Check- teams of 3, one holds plank, one does WW2 Situps, the other runs up a massively steep hill around the maple tree and back down.  Hilarity ensued on the back down part. Suicide Squad-  Mosey to basketball court for suicide, reverse suicide, burpee suicide, and bear crawl suicide. 11’s- run across field…

Three Charlottesville denizens and 4 Richmond regulars converged in Booker T Washington Park for a second time as part of the CVille expansion and to explore what the new AO had to offer.  This is what transpired, more or less: Saab Q:  COP (SSH, DQs, Merkins, WWII, Imperial Walkers).  Mosey to Hill for a Jacobs Ladder (Derkins off Park Benches on bottom of hill, Burpees on top…all the way to 7) Swirly Q:  Beast:  (Merkins, WWII, Wide-Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Burpees) Bleeder Q: Curb Crawls:  Incline/Decline Merkins up to 7 and back down to 1 on each curb TYA Q:  Dora’s…

9 PAX (F3 participants) emerged from the gloom and posted to Booker T. Washington park in Charlottesville.  This was the first workout in Cville and the weather, as expected, was sunny and 70! The Thang: Mosey to side of field.  COP SSH x 20, Don Quixote x 10, LBC x 20, and merkins x 25.  Mosey toward Preston Avenue and take the steps up to the upper basketball court for King of Hearts.  Regular suicide, backwards suicide, karaoke suicide and bear crawl suicide. Q passed to Swirly.  Mosey to Picnic area for triple check.  Dips and LBC’s and sprints.  Repeato…

12 intrepid and burgeoning leaders – including 3 FNG’s – descended upon Mount Trashmore for what has now become a hallmark AO for the steadily growing Hampton Roads F3 site. The Thang: Bleeder Q:  Mosey to steps and perform Step Lunges to the top of MT. Mosey to other side of MT for COP:  SSH, LBC, DQ, Merkins, Imperial Walkers. Swirly Q: At the top of the hill, perform Polar Bears from one point to the “Pole” (more about that later).  Perform 20 WW2 situps, and run back.  Al Gore until all were done.  Run to bottom of hill near…

14 Redwoods witnessed a beautiful sunrise from atop Mt. Trashmore at the inaugural planting of the Hampton Roads shovel flag.  It begins again, and here’s how it went down: Mosey to shovel flag for warm-up COP: 15 SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Don Quixote, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs Mosey 1st field: 50% run, 75% run, Karaoke x2, 2x bear crawl half the field then run, 2x crab walk half the field then run, Plankarama Mosey to benches for 10 dips and 10 squats in cadence repeato x2, 10 derkins Arc loader to footbridge then run the rest, repeato x3 Mosey…