Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: First Watch

River Road & Ridge

8 Early Rising Sexy Men converged on the humid streets of First Watch to start the day with minimal running. YHC had been sucking wind that last few weeks with First Watch becoming a 2nd Spider Run AO. To avoid another tour of Westham, I grabbed the Q last week to minimize miles and promote stationary exercises with some light jogging. 5.30 rang and off we moseyed down passing bumpers for Burpees to front of the Church for THE THANG: COP #1 included F3 waiver, DQ’s, Helis, Cherry Pickers, Arm Circles, Reverso, Freddies, LBC’s, Scorpion Kicks, Merkins. COP #2 Parking…

Seven strong attended and conquered the latest edition of First Watch. Chilly temps awaited the PAX, but it didn’t take long to warm up into a nice sweat. Hot Potato Q was the call and EF Hutton started us out with: Mosey east on River Rd and stop at Saab’s driveway for Deadman Hang x 15 Continue down River and bust through the hedges onto the UR practice field. Circle up for: COP: DQ’s, Copperhead Squats, Jazzercizes, SSH’s, Freddy Mercury’s, Hand-Release Merkins Stay circled up for: Hutton Humpers: 1 x Jump Squat/4 x Monkey Humpers 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20 12…

Nine men shook off the lure of the Fartsack and one FNG just never went to bed at all (heck yeah!) in order to celebrate one-year anniversary of F3RVA’s earliest sharefest, First Watch. To the surprise of no one, temps were sunny and 70. With a Hot Potato Q on order, the PAX launched for: Kubota-Q: Mosey to the front of the Church for the COP: Don Quixote’sSide-Straddle HopsHelicopters (??)Little Baby CrunchesHand-release MercansScorpion KicksReverse Scorpion Kicks Mosey to the Triangle for a Triple-Check: First Man: Run the triangleSecond Man: World War II sit-upsThird Man: Lt. Dan’s Toss to HoneyDo and…

Seven thrill-seekers descended upon First Watch today for a Q postponement from last week. Some early risers were there upwards of 10 minutes early, hoping to capture today’s over-sharer story first hand. The PAX would have to wait until the chosen one spoke for storytime. Traveling disclaimer this AM, no COP, and here’s what happened: The ThangThe Malfunctioning Escalator- Run 5 minutes: west on River, north on Gaymont, left on Kingston, left on Rose Hill- 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 20 squats- Run 4 minutes: left on Ralston, right on River, left into Windsor, left on Bevlynn- 6 burpees, 12 merkins,…

A lucky 7 beefcakes arose earlier than most to get their sweat on before the sun could peak above the trees. Perfect weather for an autumn smoker. As typical YHC promised a minimal running Q, this is it is rumored to have occurred. 5 am struck, lets mosey to Henrico’s darkest park. Warmorama included SSH’s, DQ’s, Helis, Arm Circles, Gumbo Style Freddie Mercuries and a Pax favorite – Scorpion Kicks. Warm, lets get started Mosey to parking lot for a bit of 4 corners SOJ style (prostitute). 10 Lt. Dans (switched to lunges after round 2), 20 Bone Rubs, 30…

All in a mere 45 minutes at First Watch this morning as 6 regulars were met with clear skies and perfect 60 degree weather. COP: SSH, Don Qs, Russian Soldiers, Merkins, Freddy Mercurys, Scorpion Kicks. Mosey to main lot for Dora 123: 100 Derkins, 200 Heels2Heaven, 300 Jump Squats while other runs the lot & back. Mosey back to Cinder block drop area and retrieve all 6. Head over to River Rd for an ill-advised Lindsey: Bicep Curls & Squats with run across road between. Partner up again for 3 sets of 20 PLTs then 100 block presses & 50…

4 Corinthian warriors of the Ancient Gloom volunteered to take up the First Watch, today consisting of Zeus’ perpetual mountain penance, “The Sisyphus.” (Credit: Mr. Holland) With several FW regulars called away on various forms of Family Duty, the PAX set off precisely at 05:00, collectively commenting on the particularly pleasant, precisely sunny and 70, weather conditions. Mosey 30 yards to South Westham, Ridge, and some other street. SSHsDQsS’s DMHDownward Dog (right leg high, then left leg high)Hip and hamstring stretch Note the First Orange Disk marking the Top of the Hill. That’s the Return Point for each round. Round…

Six strong found their way to First Watch on this glorious morning. After Swiper found the Pax in the correct parking lot, off we went to the front of the church. COP: SSH’s, Helicopters, Don Quixotes, Russian Soldiers, Scorpion Kicks, Merkins, LBC’s Since Honeydo did not want to honor the Washington Football Team at Hoedown on Monday for their big win, YHC called out 8 Burpees on your own for the 8 sacks that the WFT defense collected on Sunday. Thnaks to EF Hutton for the idea of Sacks=Burpees instead of Points=Burpees. Mosey down to the main parking lot for:…

6 of Richmond’s finest emerged the morning after Iron Pax to test their fortitude with another workout and this is what went down: COP – stretching only, Saab style Mosey with Coupon down Ridge towards the River, stop at intersection for a Triple Check. Partner 1 runs up the hill about 50/75 yards with their Coupon and back, Partner 2 does WWII’s, Partner 3 does Curls with their Coupon. Mosey further down the hill and stop for some exercises. 50 2-Count Flutters, 50 Coupon presses, 25 Skull Crushers with Coupon. Repeat 2 Times. Mosey further down the hill. Partner up…

4:55 a.m. two PAX sat in their cars, reading. YHC approached. YHC invited the PAX to a solid beat down. The PAX declined, preferring a restful morning at First Watch. YHC confesses that Kubota did invite YHC to “double post,” apparently counting a 10 minute stretch-fest at First Watch as a “workout.” 4:56 a.m. YHC departed.

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