Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

First Watch 6-Pack


Six strong found their way to First Watch on this glorious morning. After Swiper found the Pax in the correct parking lot, off we went to the front of the church.


SSH’s, Helicopters, Don Quixotes, Russian Soldiers, Scorpion Kicks, Merkins, LBC’s

Since Honeydo did not want to honor the Washington Football Team at Hoedown on Monday for their big win, YHC called out 8 Burpees on your own for the 8 sacks that the WFT defense collected on Sunday. Thnaks to EF Hutton for the idea of Sacks=Burpees instead of Points=Burpees.

Mosey down to the main parking lot for:


Partner up and complete 100 x WWII sit-ups, 200 x 2-count Flutter Kicks and 300 x Squats. Partner runs to the church bus and back.

Head over to the dumpster enclosure for:

Triple Check:

Partner 1 = Balls to the Wall

Partner 2 = Box Cutters

Partner 3 = Bear Crawl to parking line, 5 Merkins, and Crawl Bear back.

3 rounds

Mosey around the back of the church, stopping at speed bumps to complete a Burpee at each.

Gather near the Shovel Flag for:

Weighted Stations:

Station 1: Lawn Mower Pulls with 35lbs KB

Station 2: High Pulls with Metric Weighted KB

Station 3: Swings with 25lbs KB

Station 4: Bench Presses with Cinder Block

Station 5: American Hammers

Station 6: Run the parking lot loop

Almost 2 rounds


Spell “WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM” with your legs while on your back

Rosalitas x 20

Numbers, Names, Announcements and YHC took us out!


There always seems to be a rotating PAX at First Watch. A couple of the regulars decided to complete the IPC Week 3 challenge again this morning and head over to Heartbreak Ridge, but a couple of First Watch Kotters and a Newbie filled in the blanks. You can always count on 5 or 6 PAX hitting the very early workout. Temps were great and the PAX put in some good, hard work. Going from Balls to the Wall into a Bear Crawl with Merkins was kinda brutal. Or vice versa, Crawls into BTTW, same brutality.

Thanks for coming out early, men! Have a great day!



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  1. Thanks for the directions Kubota. I never would have found you all. I would have waited in the back parking lot and run home

  2. Great Q today Kubota! I particularly enjoyed the weighted stations at the end. I thought we were just going to do some Mary and was pleasantly surprised.