Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: DaVille


Two men posted on a muggy Monday to start the week right. Mosey to front of school for some COP Dora – 100x dips, 200x flutter kicks, 300x mountain climbers Mosey to jungle gym by basketball court for several rounds of circuit training Mosey back to flag for some stretching Numbers, names. Notes: Congrats to Hydrant for landing his job out of college coaching tennis at a country club.

*slow, mournful, sad 5 guys got up this morning to kick it off the right way on a glorious morning. COP — DQ, helicopters, flutterkicks, LBC’s, Freddies, IW, rosalitas, Lugubrious merkins –1 merkin, 1 squat5 seconds down, 5 seconds up merkin5 squats10 seconds down 10 seconds up merkin10 squats15 seconds down, 15 seconds up merkin15 squats20 seconds down, 20 seconds up merkin20 squats25 seconds down, 25 seconds up merkin25 squats30 seconds down, 30 seconds up merkin30 squats dora100 step ups200 dips300 SSH4 corners10 WW220 Am Ham30 LBC’s40 Flutterkicks10 Donkey kicks, run to 1st island15 donkey kicks, run to second island20…

Planted the flag…no PAX..no Problem…Murphy is always around and was great to reflect while getting some reps in! 300 squats , 200 Merkins and 100 pull ups! Ran to the bars and slow mosey back. Hope to see you in the gloom soon. Cheers…CB!

YHC was ready for a cool morning workout and below is what went down: COP We mosey to the West Entrance of Atlee High School and form up by the bus loop. We square up for 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 Ukrainian Soldiers, 10 Imperial walkers, 20 American Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 10 Scorpions and 20 merkins. THANG With 4 in the PAX we set up four stations. Station 1(S1) – runs lap on inner loop as the timer. S2 – Squats or Lunges, S3 – Bench Dips, and S4 – 40 merkins. We rotated through each station to complete a…

YHC busted out the Tabata app for the 4 regulars of DaVille this fine morning and here is what went down. We mosey to the West Entrance of the Atlee High School at the bus loop for a quick COP of 20 SSH, 10 DQ’s and we start the Tabata App. 4 minutes divided by 8 30 second efforts 20 sec exercise and 10 sec rest. We had time for 8 rotations. We started with Carolina Drydocks (10reps then plank during 20 seconds), Lunges (alternating legs), LBCs, bench dips, Alabama Prom Dates, squats, flutter kicks and merkins. Mosey back to…

With 4 posting in the PAX, we were thing hot potato; YHC pulled out a Basketball and jumprope from the trunk for this workout. Here is waht went down. COP We mosey to the West Entrance of the Atlee High School at the bus loop. We circle up for 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 Helicopters, 15 Arm Circles (10 small and 5 Big) Reverso, 10 Ukrainian soldiers, 10 LBCs, 10 reverse Scorpions, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins. THANG We start with a Triple Check with 4 stations. Station 1 – Run lap as a Timer, Station 2 – Bench step…

Three men showed up for a triple triple check on the hallowed grounds of the Atlee HS parking lot mixed in with a few other pain and gain exercises. We moseyed from the front parking lot to the cafeteria entrance of Atlee HS for a COP involving arm circles, helicopters, imperial walkers, Ukrainian soldiers, Don Quixotes, copperhead squats, and cherry pickers. We then commenced our first triple check as follows: IC merkins, IC calf raises x3, 30 second wall sit IC merkins, IC calf raises x3, 45 second wall sit IC merking, IC calf raises x3, 1 minute wall sit…

A bit of a chilly breezy morning brought out two runners and a solo bootcamper. The two runners showed up extra early to put in far more miles than the bootcamper could even consider running. The bootcamper forewent the COP for some quick simple stretches. The personal bootcamp went as follows: Mosey from the Atlee front parking lot to the bus loop between Chickahominy MS and Atlee HS. Merkins and LBCs followed by a brisk run around the bus loop. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Lunges across the sidewalk back to the Atlee front parking lot followed, interrupted three times…

COP YHC was coming in hot with a Pug delay at home, Mustang took the lead to get us to the East Entrance of Atlee High School. He passed back the baton to YHC and here is what went down: 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 4-ct Helicopters, 15 arm circles 10 small and 5 big, reverso, 20 LBC’s, 10 reverse scorpions, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins. THANG We set up 4 stations, station 1 is run to wall and do 10 dips return as the timer (P1), P2 Wall Sit, P3 Donkey kicks, P4 20 Merkins. We rotate through all…

YHC posted this morning with some gear for a Tabata workout. After a tough beatdown from DaPile, YHC wanted to concentrate on some exercises to further develop the recovery workout so here is what went down on the cold wet am workout: COP We mosey to the East Entrance of Atlee High School circle up for 10 4ct SSH, 7 DQ’s, 10 4ct Helicopterss, 15 Arm circles, 10 small and 5 big, reverso. THANG So YHC busted out a jumprope for one station, 20 # KB for another station and 26.5 # KB for the third station. We started the…

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