Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Saturday Morning Wild Kingdom


A bit of a chilly breezy morning brought out two runners and a solo bootcamper. The two runners showed up extra early to put in far more miles than the bootcamper could even consider running. The bootcamper forewent the COP for some quick simple stretches. The personal bootcamp went as follows:

Mosey from the Atlee front parking lot to the bus loop between Chickahominy MS and Atlee HS. Merkins and LBCs followed by a brisk run around the bus loop. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Lunges across the sidewalk back to the Atlee front parking lot followed, interrupted three times with ankle touch deep squats and calf raises. The fun continued with a 1.5 mile jog and merkins at each speed bump (10). For the morning: 250 merkins, 200 LBCs, 200 calf raises, 100 squats, 75 lunges each side. 

Somewhere along the way, a Speakeasy sighting occurred. The elusive wild creature was deep in his natural habitat jogging around for what this Q can only assume was 1,000 miles. There was also an Opus-on-the-loose sighting, crushing pavement underfoot without mercy.

Legend has it, Speakeasy is still out there making the globe spin with each step. Opus returned from pounding out 8 miles and a mini COT happened at the point of entry at the Atlee front parking lot. 

Namarama, numberama, COT, Opus saw us out. 


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