Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Triple Triple Buster


Three men showed up for a triple triple check on the hallowed grounds of the Atlee HS parking lot mixed in with a few other pain and gain exercises. We moseyed from the front parking lot to the cafeteria entrance of Atlee HS for a COP involving arm circles, helicopters, imperial walkers, Ukrainian soldiers, Don Quixotes, copperhead squats, and cherry pickers. We then commenced our first triple check as follows:

IC merkins, IC calf raises x3, 30 second wall sit

IC merkins, IC calf raises x3, 45 second wall sit

IC merking, IC calf raises x3, 1 minute wall sit

We then moseyed to the beginning of the front sidewalk of Atlee HS for our second triple check which went as follows:

Lunges 1/3 of the way, IC copperhead squats, IC calf raises x3

Lunges another 1/3 of the sidewalk, IC copperhead squats, IC calf raises x3

Lunges the final third of the sidewalk, IC copperhead squats, IC calf raises x3

At the end of the sidewalk, we arrived at the bus loop to perform our third triple check which went as follows:

20 OYO merkins, 20 OYO LBCs, brisk mosey around the outer bus loop on the sidewalk. Rinse and repeat three times. 

We then performed an Indian run back to the front parking lot of Atlee HS and performed a gut buster that went as follows: LBCs, full extension crunches, LBCS, Jane Fondas, LBCS, flutter kicks, LBCs, vertical scissor kicks, horizontal scissor kicks, LBCs. Recover. 

Some totals for the morning beatdown: 120 merkins, 180 calf raises, 100 copperhead squats, 260 crunches

Namarama, numberama, COT, Q saw us out.


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