Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: River Run

Betty Weaver Elementary

Two thoroughbreds and a clydesdale put themselves through their paces at the Swamp – here’s how it went: . 5 mi mosey from BWES to the swamp 4 x 400 = slow start to fast finish each lap 2 x 400 = moderate pace recovery 4 x 400 = fast on the turns, moderate on the straights 2 x 400 = moderate pace recovery 400 = 3/4 moderate, 1/4 fast 400 = 1/2 moderate, 1/2 fast 400 = 1/4 moderate, 3/4 fast 400 = fast all the way .5 mi mosey BTTF Numbers, names, YHC took us out. NMMS: YHC…

River Run party of one this morning. YHC admits he hasn’t posted here for few couple months, did I miss a memo about River Run being cancelled altogether? Appears it’s missing from the Q sign up sheet. Anyway, Old School Tarrington route commenced for 4 milers. -Singer

YHC arrived solo about 5:20 and remained solo until time hit 5:30 so away we go! According to the cellular device bouncing off the beer belly it went something like this: Run down to the river, enjoy view on both docks. Mosey back up to the track around the swamp. Ran a few Boberry biscuits without the burpees. Ran around by ball fields and up Twin Team. The back down to the flag. Ended with about four and a half miles. NMM Beautiful view of the sunrise over the river made it worth the sweat. However YHC will probably not…

Three gloom warriors shed the fart sack to get the week started right at River Run. Here’s how it went: 4s: up Twin Team hill, thank the lady walking her dog for the supportive comments, right on Brigstock and right on Mt. Hill around to Brigstock again. Left on Brigstock and take Ellesmere to Glendower – 3/4 of the Powderham Loop and back to Twin Team (downhhill this time!!) and BTTF. Numbers, names, YHC took us out. NMMS: even without bear crawls or burpees or mankillers, that Twin Team hill is a beast no matter how you slice it. Was…

Four Sons of Freedom posted to River Run to work off some of the holiday weekend carbo-loading. Here’s how it went: 4s – down to the boat ramp at Robious Landing Park, left onto the 1.5 mi White Bar trail, side trip around the .22 mile Yellow Diamond trailback onto What Bar and all the around to the boat rampmosey back to JRHS, take a right mosey by the Swamp to RobiousLeft back to Bettie Weaver ESmosey around the school for time 6s (Rosie) – same as above and add laps around the Swamp and other various mileage-adding detours; Tclaps…

Three amigos posted to River Run to burn off some of those Fathers Day liquid calories. Nothing fancy here – just the OG Tarrington to Twin Team loop. On motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, it was resolved to incorporate more routes down by the river at Robious Landing Park. The hills sucked this morning, but the sunrise was magnificent. Mr. Roper and his peloton whizzed by with some words of encouragement. Bullseye and YHC called it done at 4; Lugnut busted out another mile for 5. Go get some today! Doublemint

2 elite runners hit the streets of northern Chesterfield County for a few miles. After Lugnut revealed his long weekend of runs we decided on an easier out and back route that neither of us had done before. Out to Independence Golf Club and back for a little over 5 miles. Weather was great and we had a Bullseye sighting on Winterfield hill.

Two SOJ dudes shed the fartsack to pay their respects today. Here’s how it went: Mosey to the JRHS track – locked!! – audible lap around the JRHS parking lots for Mile 1. 10 sets of 10 x pull ups (OYO), 10 x merkins (4 ct, IC), 15 x squats (4 ct, IC) Mosey around the JRHS parking lots then up Twin Team for Mile 2 and a set of Mankillers to make sure we left everything out on the field. BTTF – numbers, names and YHC took us out. NMMS: YHC is deeply grateful for the privilege to live…

Pax of one for River Run. With rain in the forecast for the third straight week it may have been another no-show but YHC decided to make sure that streak ended. 4ish milers – head south on Robious, left at shopping center towards Independence Golf Course. Left and loop around neighborhood. Return by the high school with some added bonus areas. 5 and 6 mile routes – negative captain.

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