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Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Off The Books

Urban Farmhouse Midlothian

Three strong men showed up for another off the books kettle bell workout at Midlo Middle on a Monday morning. Still being an unofficial AO, YHC coordinated and took the Q. Not having any terribly original ideas, YHC just looked at the most recent Circus Maximus BB and shamelessly copied the workout with some alterations. Here’s how it went down: Farmer’s carry to the front NW corner of the school. COP: SSHs (to get things moving)JazzerciseCherry PickersHelicopters The Thang: A Beast with Bells Using the front of the school (~100 yards), and stopping at 3 spots down and back for…

8 PAX ran through Midlothian at varying speeds and distances. Highlights were the 2nd F where one PAX member regaled us with stories of the terrifying and sometimes wonderful 10 days he spent on Tinder.

3 brave SOJ warriors braved the gloom and showed up to Midlo Middle (known as Source of Truth on Wednesdays) ready to start the week with a challenge. YHC shared that reflecting on September’s Iron PAX Challenge reminded YHC of his weaknesses and need to be strengthened and sharpened through regularly doing hard things that push YHC beyond what feels possible. YHC shared a few encouraging verses to inspire and start the week right. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is…

YHC was not planning to put up a back blast for OTB this week since I thought it might be just me and Honeymoon but when 8 guys post and get some solid 2nd F time in it’s worth it. Marmaduke wanted 5ish so we decided to show him the Salisbury route and cut it a little short. He and Recall got more than 5 but still came in before UF opened the doors. OC hung with Honeymoon, Annie and I until Honeymoon hill. Aisle 5, Hermie and Wilson did some slower paced stuff but were able to solve the…

OC reached out to YHC for info on the Sunday run. I was happy to provide the OTB info but forgot to include the secret parking location. Luckily he saw a couple cars roll around back and joined us before we hit the road. Lap around Midlo, including the mines. Great morning for a run, enjoyed it.

4 tourists visited OTB to join YHC for an easy morning run. A last minute text from Shakedown alerted me that he was going to be a few minutes late. No problem, OTB is more relaxed so Corned Beef, Hash and I circled the parking lot a couple times waiting for the LIFO. Google maps error took Shakedown to the wrong Urban Farmhouse. This one was user error, not quite the same Google Maps problem as Daville. Great running with Hash this morning as he paced me through some extra mileage. Kid seems to know what he wants and has…

4 of SOJs finest and a 4 legged friend hit the streets and tried to avoid the traffic brought in by the triathlon across the street at the YMCA. One 4+ miler braved passing the Y while the other 3 decided to head the other direction into Salisbury. Weather was perfect so POG and Honeymoon mentioned adding a little distance to hit a full hour, YHC took us on a slight detour to add just the right amount. Looking forward to continuing this run location into the fall now that POG has signed up for the Richmond half.

Saw the backblast for Sunday Funday and noted the similarities. The main group was out and about at OTB as well. Wilson and Aisle 5 for their easy paced walkabout solving the world’s problems. Honeymoon and YHC for the Salisbury loop with Annie pulling us along the way when she wasn’t trying to chase after squirrels. Aisle 5 and Wilson are looking for the best coffee selection at UF but have yet to find a suitable one. The location and outdoor seating at the coffeeteria is tough to beat so the 2nd F is always a good one.

7 men and a pup found some new routes for Sunday morning OTB before the heat of the day hit. 4 went around through Charter Colony, JTCC and Midlo mines for 6 miles while the other 3 hit some hills for a little less. New hill Manders was found and will be a new staple for training. Have a great Sunday

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