Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: MANNdate

A good turnout today with 4 gents showing up for a KB workout. COPSSH x 20Invisible jump ropes x 20Fat Alberts x 20Don Qs x 10Arm Circles Scorpion kicks x 10HRMs x 10Heals to Heaven x 10LaddersShoulder thrusts + Goblet squats (5 + 15, 10 + 10, 15 + 5)KB swings + Curls (5 + 15, 10 + 10, 15 + 5)11sGood mornings + Demon crushersMoMBoat canoesFlutterkicks + KB pressesKB American hammers StretchingCorned Beef took us outNotesHard work put in by all and as always at Manndate, very interesting conversations. Great job gents!

With three at this workout, after warm ups of SSH, DQ, helicopters, arm circles reverse arm circles and 20 merkins we decided to rotate the exercise choice around the group and started with Yardsale with 20 4 count demon crushers, Corned Beef walk the parking lot loop with clockwise around the world halfway then counter clockwise around the world, Trout 40 kettle bell presses, Yardsale Halo clockwise while walking half of loop the halo counter clockwise while completing the loop. Corned Beef 20 lunges with KB each leg, Trout, 5 burpee thrust, run lap around lot loop then 5 more…

2 men showed on a cold windy day to throw from iron around. COPDoraCurl + presses x 100Goblet squats x 200Flutterkics 2ct x 3005 mins of stretchingNotes – during COP we determined Yardsale has 2 left feet.

Three men and No Idea’s 2.0 (Rainbow) braved the cold to get some kb action. COP SupersetsLt. Dans x 10, sprint to first island and backClean and jerks x 10, sprint and backBurpee + deadlift x 10, sprintLeg lifts over the kb x 20, sprintRinse and repeat for 3 rounds

3 men braved the cold and the wind to throw some iron around. COPSSH, invisible jump ropes, imp Walkers, arm circles, Russian soldiers, HRMs, copper head squats, LBCs4 CornersCorner 1 – 10 squatsCorner 2 – 10 squats + 15 demon crushersCorner 3 – 10 squats + 15 demon crushers + 20 KB swingsCorner 4 – 10 squats + 15 demon crushers + 20 KB swings + 25 boat canoes11sShoulder thrustsReverse snow angles5 minutes of stretching to end the beatdownNumberama, namerama, No Idea took us out.Notes:It was cold and windy this morning especially with the KBs. Hard work was put in…

YHC showed up to an empty parking lot at Manndate and here is what went down: COP Brief warm up of 25 SSH, 10 DQ’s THANG So broke out the trusty Tabata app (now with music) and proceeded to set up a Kettle bell routine with the following: 10 total 4 minute Cycles of 8 sets of 20 seconds exercise with 10 second rest and the following list were the exercises: Right arm Curl – started with 10 curls this was brutal on the last 3 sets where only 8, 7 and 6 reps were possible. Left arm Curl -…

YHC hadn’t posted to MANNdate in a while so I took the opportunity to Q this week. YHC thought of a new routine that looked good on paper. The PAX was going to be the guinea pigs. COPMosey around bus loop to front of schoolSSH x 20Invisible jump ropesHelicopters x 10Arm circles x 10 small, x 5 bigDQs x 10Imp. walkers x 10Copperhead squats x 10HRMs x 10Reverse snowangels x 10The circle – The pax formed a circle, the Q calls out an exercise and each person in the circle does 1 rep of that exercise starting with the Q…

2 Davilians, but not the Q, showed up to MANNdate on a sunny and 70 morning. COP: SSH, arm circles, hillbillies, LBC’s, DQ’s, cherry pickers. Mosey back to our KB’s, first exercise (by Trout), 1 person runs the loop, other does following exercises: KB swings, lawnmowers, halos. No Idea’s turn, Transition to AMRAP, demon crushers, copperhead squats. Finish up with 11’s, calf raises with KB, tricep extensions. Numberama, namerama, YHC took us out. NMS The Q sheet said Bulkhead had this morning, but at 5:32 there was no Bulkhead, so hot potato time. Mumblechatter around investments (we both have some),…

2 DaVillians posted on a pleasantly frigid morning to hoist some iron. The following is a chilling account of their venture! COP: SSH, arm circles, helicopters, LBC’s Mosey back to your bell, time to warm up! Ground and pound time, exercises as follows: 28 clean and press, 50 LBC’s 26 lawnmowers (26 each arm), 50 LBC’s 32 high pulls , 50 LBC’s 24 thrustups to tricep extension, 50 LBC’s 7 copperhead squats, 50 LBC’s 24 lunges with bell, 50 LBC’s 9 merkins with one hand on KB, switching arms each rep, 18 total, 50 LBC’s 20 halos to front raise,…

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