Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

7 days late and 7 minutes short


2 DaVillians posted on a pleasantly frigid morning to hoist some iron. The following is a chilling account of their venture!

COP: SSH, arm circles, helicopters, LBC’s

Mosey back to your bell, time to warm up! Ground and pound time, exercises as follows:

28 clean and press, 50 LBC’s

26 lawnmowers (26 each arm), 50 LBC’s

32 high pulls , 50 LBC’s

24 thrustups to tricep extension, 50 LBC’s

7 copperhead squats, 50 LBC’s

24 lunges with bell, 50 LBC’s

9 merkins with one hand on KB, switching arms each rep, 18 total, 50 LBC’s

20 halos to front raise, 50 LBC’s

Numberama, namerama, YHC took us out


YHC planned this workout for last week, 10/27, as the New York subway started operation that day in 1904. All the reps corresponded (with creative math) to numbers related to the subway.

Original line had 28 stations, now there are 26 lines. The longest line is 32 miles long, and the subway runs 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. In 1968, operation was taken over by the Mass Transit Authority (MTA), add 1+9+6+8, you get 24. The first line was 9 miles long, and the subway now serves 4.5 million people daily (4×5=20). Add in all those LBC’s, plus the ones we did in COP, you get 472 (for those scoring at home, or if you are alone), which is the number of current stations in the whole system.

YHC wasn’t feeling well last week, prompting a hot potato by the PAX, was glad to Q the workout this week, a mere 7 days late. It didn’t take as much time as anticipated, ending at 6:08, so we stretched for a bit. YHC appreciates Mr. Holland loaning me his 25 pound KB for some of the exercises (lower back was acting up), and we both think the halos to front raise is a great exercise that really sucks!

As usual, I have No Idea what I’m doing….


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