Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Currahee

We did the 6.5 route again. Great mix of hills. Like 1LT Sobel says: “3 miles up and 3 miles down”. Not quite a mountain, but its what we have. Get some! Prayers for patience with our macro situation: school reopen, virus response, and impacted attitudes, There are lessons to find here. Prayers for F3 hurricane response team – best of luck brothers! Currahee!

New route today. Old Prescott, Glen Eagles, JRP, Shire, old Pump, Pump, Dog Park trail, JRP, Pump. NMS. No mumblechatter, just focus. At dog park YHC saw a ton of cars but nobody actually in the dog park with their four-legged friends. Perplexing. Then on the trail, a stream of seal team pax appeared from the gloom and it all came together. John McGuire is looking good. Meeting a former fellow operator with a white headlamp in the dark is a little embarrassing. But this is from experience: it’s dark running at BMNT, and a broken foot will keep you…

After Mister Rogers appeared in the gloom at BMNT we agreed to run at least 6.2 in honor of our downtown brothers. NMS – The route was a new one with a little of this and a little of that. I knew it was going to be a smidgen long, but also know that Mister Rogers is up for anything. We were with you in spirit. Congrats Bone Thugs! Currahee!

2 warriors jumped out of the fart sack and into the gloom for a 5 mile run. Route- Pump, Carisbrook, Oakway, Weathervane, Turnbridge, Gayton, Ryandale, Timberly, JRP, Glen Eagles, Summerwood, Pump. Prayers for folks who need courage – to overcome challenges from all walks of life whether addiction or bad situations. NMS – Courage was the topic today and what it takes to face bosses, employees, yourself to overcome what is challenging you. Thanks for the discussion and setting the example, Mister Rogers.

4 horseman got together for a light run. 6 mile run – Bro Code. Pump, Burnside, Glen Eagles, Shire, Church, Waterford West, Rutgers, Park Terrace, Three Chopt, Pump. Roger Roger took us out. NMS – After meeting up with Gypsy we started on a run. For the first few minutes we talked about whether folks were up for 5.5 or so. 5.5 sounded good. Then Gypsy said, I am surprised that all these AOs are 45 minutes I know a place where they are all 60 minutes (Roger Roger didnt hear him). Looking at the crew, we were solid horsemen…

6 warriors in search of an organized run AO converged on the parking lot at Godwin to welcome the gloom. YHC provided no guidance, and off we went. The pax knew “this is a well-managed run AO”, so, without complaining, they followed right along. The Thang: Mosey up the trail through the vast wilderness separating the high school from Raintree. Stop at Willowick Ln for intro and to tell the pax we’ll be doing sprint drills today. (Surprise!) Warm up run North on Willowick to dead end, then South to end of road at Windbluff Dr. Turn left onto Windbluff…

6 milers – Pump, Church, Clary Preston, Sunrise, Waterford East, Rutgers, Park Terrace, around Wellesley lake, Three Chopt, Pump, JRP, Pump 4 milers – Raintree to the club and back. YHC punched at 530, apparently Greenbow arrived at 531 and didnt want to disturb a man at work and chose his own adventure. Probation and I talked about a Wellesley lake route so now the recon is complete. I see options for 5, 5.5 and 6 on that route. 4 may need to come back on Sunrise to pump. Today was humid, took a bit extra to keep momentum, but…

5 mile: Pump, Crowncrest, Brookmont, Cox, Turtle Run, DRP around the back and lake, Falconbridge, Raintree, Willowbrook. Today we did the reverse Brookmont run. Despite the hills at the end, it just does not seem as hilly in this direction. This terrain is fun because there is just the right mix of climb and descent. Currahee!

5mi. Raintree to Canterbury: Chauncy, Waltham, Pump, Westcastle, Orkney Helmsdale, Stoneycreek, Turnbridge then to Whitaker Woods: Bank, Green Mt, Oakway, Carisbrook and back to Godwin. Its easier than it sounds. Discipline is doing whats right when no one is looking. YHC needed discipline today. NMS – Thankful for our founding fathers, while they never claimed to be perfect, set the conditions for this great country where we can work to perfect inalienable rights for all. Sic semper Tryannis! Currahee!

Oh Yeah… I did. YHC joined Gomer for a jaunt around Currahee. We did what YHC will call was “The Standard Route”. It can be standard as it was my first venture out to Currahee and can only assume it is similar to the Grove Ave route at RAMM, only better. Currahee is a good variation on the running routine. YHC suggests any of the running regulars try it out. Great running with Gomer. We discussed all sorts of current events.

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