Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Currahee

Getting back at it for a weekly running after taking off a few months is never fun… but when you are meeting up with your crew it makes it at least tolerable. Accountability to meet someone else at 530 AM is a driving force for many of us to get out of bed in the morning. (unless its below 42 and raining then you are just crazy). ACCOUNTABILITY (Q2.5) – F3 NationRunning AOs can be more difficult to plan than the standard bootcamp. Trying to find a route that will allow for all to push themselves but at the same…

Five fearless warriors look through the gloom and eschewed the fart sack to join together for a run. 5mi route – Pump, Church to Gayton Elementary, through Pine Run and return on Ridgefield. Prayers for Pinto’s M as her family works through the death of her father. NMS. Not much to report today, we were all focused on getting our fitness to a rudimentary improved state in time for beach week. YHC does not mind the cold but we are all ready for the spring warm up. It is nice to have Light in the sky as we finish our…

Six descended on Currahee for a fourth Friday bro code run. Was this the last 30F run of the year? Prayers for Choppa (Gypsy 2.0) as he goes through some apprehension building post Covid testing. NMS – Sensitive feelings were hurt when the gentlemen worthy of so much respect poked fun at the thoughtfully designed route – like a title bout with Mike Tyson, so many solid blows delivered at the onset. Despite working really hard to get the route to be exactly 4 miles to respond to the feedback and preferences of the customer base, YHC will be sure…

4 mile route. Track warmup and neighborhood loop. NMS – Andy Jenks was not available for a rap video and its easy to harbor confusion on whether we would work today. Was it a test? You decide. Consider: This is the first day of the rest of your life… Was the weather hyped up? What isnt these days? In a world of ready to reuse recorded forever comments and layers of lawyers, of course VDOT needs to say “stay off the roads” and Chik-fil-A need to announce a delayed opening. Did it look bad? From the window maybe. Cars had…

After a quick roll call last night it appeared 5-6 would be posting for Currahee but in the end it was 3. YHC had planned to Fartsack due to a busy week and having to work this weekend, but after waking up at 0400 wide awake YHC thought otherwise. Pinto confirmed he was going to be there, but Lighthouse rolled in with 4 minutes to spare. When YHC commented amount not knowing he was coming since he didn’t respond Lighthouse said, “I didn’t know what to say, you guys talk too much” or something along those lines. Regardless The Figure…

6 men without excuses wanting to better themselves met in the gloom and get a little wet on a warmer than normal winter day. We did the Canterbury route which seemed a bit harder today than in the past – its a good mix of hills and with all the turns, tough to plan out to get exact but we will figure it out. Handshake took us out. started watch late NMS – Much discussion about excuses. Some may be anticipating some scathing remarks similar to those made in the moment yesterday morning, but on reflection YHC wants to take…

The thing: 4 woke up to a brisk 21 degrees with one pax coming in hot at 5:30. We started off at a 7:45 pace. We slowed a little in order to meander through old Prescott and the Uphill Glen to warm up. We continued to John Rolfe then into the Waterford neighborhood which brought us out on Robson and into summer wood. We then went back down John Rolfe and downhill on Glen Gary and through old Prescott for a 45 min beatdown that covered 5.16 miles. thanks for showing up Pax!

A dominant duo plus the Q convened for today’s Currahee. Not knowing many of the back road cut throughs, the Q called for: West on Old Prescott to RidgefieldLeft on RidgefieldLeft on CambridgeLeft on Stonequarter to do the loop back to CambridgeRight on CambridgeRight on LL DriveMeander through Tuckahoe LL and emerge at the back of the shopping centerLeft on John RolfeRight on Pump back to VSF Numbers, names, YHC took us out. MoleskinGood fellowship with a small crew today. Ample time to be with our thoughts which for YHC today ranged from schooling to vaccines to other various challenges…

Six Stallions gathered for a cool morning run on a cross neighborhood route named after a law firm. Greenbow took us out. Route – S on Pump, Wellington, Weather Vane, Tunbridge, Gayton, JRP, Glen Eagles, Old Prescott. More or less. NMS- parts of the West end can feel like you’re in a rabbit warren. The neighborhoods around Gayton are key examples (looking at you Wellington and the back 9 of Kingsley). They feature just enough turns to head you in different directions so that you question which way you’re looking and thus it’s tough to make a decision to go…

Three gentlemen left the comfort of the fartsack to venture into the cool morning air for a 5 brocode mile run. Handshake took us out. NMS – We love this route because it is challenging at the right times after recovery from the last. Handshake likes how the twists and turns within DRP makes the time melt away For whatever reasons today we were more challenged – need some bad days to know what the good days feel like. Power through and get it done. Good work gents. Currahee!

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