4 horseman got together for a light run.
6 mile run – Bro Code. Pump, Burnside, Glen Eagles, Shire, Church, Waterford West, Rutgers, Park Terrace, Three Chopt, Pump.
Roger Roger took us out.
NMS – After meeting up with Gypsy we started on a run. For the first few minutes we talked about whether folks were up for 5.5 or so. 5.5 sounded good. Then Gypsy said, I am surprised that all these AOs are 45 minutes I know a place where they are all 60 minutes (Roger Roger didnt hear him). Looking at the crew, we were solid horsemen so I decided we would run a little long. To make it a full 6, I knew we had to go the “fat way” around to Waterford West to add another 1/2 mile. (map above is the planned round)
Second annual inaugural retreat coming together Oct 3 outside of Amelia CH. Plan to camp overnight.
Gypsy has some ideas for 2.0 workouts and also bringing Speed for Need to 2.0 workouts. Gypsy is also working on a “retreat site” at Lake Anna for the future – TBD.