Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Circus Maximus


9 faithful circus goers showed up in the rain for a little iron work and it didn’t take long for the PAX with raincoats to shed them. THE THANG COP 15x Don Quixote, 25xSSH, 10 Kettlebells Swings followed by 10 merkins OYO 4 rounds Short farmers walk mosey to bus loop for 4x4x4 – Do each of the 4 exercises 4 times, through 4 rounds Round 1 – Goblet Squat, Electric Slide, 1-leg Deadlift, Lunge Round 2 – 1 arm swing, clean, press from rack, row (start with weak arm), Repeat Round 2 Partner up – Round 1 – P1…

9 Redwoods gathered around the shovelflag for F3 RVAs most popular kettlebell workout. A beautiful full moon shone above as the beatdown went down like this: Farmers Carry around the loop COP – 25 SSH, 10 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 15 DQs, 25 KB Swings. Halos x20, each side Lunge length of parking lot with KB. Lunge back while doing side crunch. Farmer Mosey to grass for WWII situp escalator – do KB press at top, starting at 1 and increase press up to 10 reps. Triple Check, add KB arm extension on People’s chair. Farmer mosey to parking lot for…

No bread and circuses this morning in the gloom at Circus Maximus as each of nine PAX rejected the offering of a palliative and instead opted to consume the RedPill. J’Ville and DK teamed up to plant the ShovelFlag. The Thang: Warmup stretching: swinging arm (drowning man) circles forward and backward, torso circles clock wise and counter clockwise, hand to opposite foot kicks, torso rotations with high knees (modified IWs), standing oblique crunches (Hillbillies), up and outs, SSHs IC, Seal Jacks IC, Cobra stretch, and high knees. X9 8 Count BBs IC-Pan Pax KB Workout: – 20 reps KB swings…

Seven of the faithful gathered on the north side of Mills Godwin High School in the West End of Richmond on a drizzly, but otherwise comfortable morning with kettlebells in hand. Johnsonville took the inaugural Q at #CircusMaximus, and this is what went down, more or less: Start in grass near SF: Slaughter starter (20x burpees OYO) (regular) Kettlebell mosey (i.e., farmer walk with single kettlebell held overhead with one arm) around bus loop. Return to pavement near SF for COP: 12x merkins (regular) 12x kettlebell sit and press 15x kettlebell squats 15x plank dips (regular) 15x kettlebell standing rows…

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