Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

nihil panem et circenses


No bread and circuses this morning in the gloom at Circus Maximus as each of nine PAX rejected the offering of a palliative and instead opted to consume the RedPill. J’Ville and DK teamed up to plant the ShovelFlag.

The Thang:

Warmup stretching: swinging arm (drowning man) circles forward and backward, torso circles clock wise and counter clockwise, hand to opposite foot kicks, torso rotations with high knees (modified IWs), standing oblique crunches (Hillbillies), up and outs, SSHs IC, Seal Jacks IC, Cobra stretch, and high knees.

X9 8 Count BBs IC-Pan Pax

KB Workout:
– 20 reps KB swings IC
– 20 reps full (overhead) KB swings IC
– 20 reps alternating single arm swings (switch at top of swing) IC
– 15 reps KB clean to rack IC right side; 15 reps KB clean to rack IC left side
– 10 reps KB rack and press IC right side; 10 reps KB rack and press IC left side
– 15 reps rack, squat, and press IC right side; 15 reps each side rack, squat, and press IC left side
– 10 reps KB halos IC clockwise; 10 reps KB halos IC counter-clockwise;
– <15 reps alternating side lunge and single arm swing OYO (<15 right and <15 left)
– <20 reps alternating lunge and rotations OYO

– Run around school or Farmer’s carry around bus loop (the CM)

– 15 reps KB pullovers IC
– 15 reps side hammer curls OYO right side; 15 reps side hammer curls OYO left side
– 15 reps tricep extensions IC
– 20 reps toe touch crunches OYO

Turkish getups (KB free, this time) — form practice

X9 8 Count BBs IC-Pan Pax


Warm down stretching during Counterama and Name-o-rama.

Strong prayer by Attila expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and appealing for comfort during time of mourning and healing for the Pax and loved ones.

Announcements –

WhiteDeer VQ at GridIron 0700 at Pouncey Tract Park (in case parking lot is still compromised (undergoing improvements), divert and park at Short Pump Middle School – take first right just before school and make left on bus lane in front of school for alternate parking). Bring your Mumble Chatter – WhiteDeer expects it and will relish same.

HoneyDo has got the Q next week at CM – he promises to expand our working knowledge of Roman Antiquities with Caesarean-like precision (and authority).

DK asked the Pax to consider some service project in lieu of or in addition to May’s HDHH – though not in the form of a motion, there was lots of positive discussion, a virtual seconding, and unanimity in supporting the project, namely an evening of work at The Doorways (www.thedoorways.org) in which one of the Pax – London – serves as Community Outreach Manager. DK is gathering information so please stay tuned for his follow up reporting.

Next HDHH is April 20 at Ellwood Thompsons – contact FlashDance who as Q is taking a headcount.


Seven Pax posted at the inaugural Circus Maximus last week; nine posted this morning with three posting for their first – great to add Toga, Brain Tumor, and JunkYard to the CM roster. In fact, it was nice to see guys who we haven’t seen in awhile as they have been putting in the work at other AO’s in RVA’s rapidly expanding menu. Repeats by Rosie, Atilla, DK, J’Ville, Gumbo, and YHC.

J’Ville and JunkYard probed outside KB GroundZero during their elective run around the school while the other Legionaries racked and pressed their KBs and stomped around the bus loop. The loop around the school (hereafter known as the Appian Way but subject to further expansion on the spacious terra firma of the AO) is a bit further than anticipated and kudos to J’ville and Gumbo for immediately undertaking at their run end a thoracic expansion in the form of the KB pullovers.

YHC’s objective was to build on last week’s inaugural KB workout at the CM and increase the CM repertoire by introducing (at least to the Pax who are KB virgins or near virgins, including YHC) some foundational movements. There were 18 forms of KB movements planned but only 13 implemented this morning (excluding the dry run on the Turkish Getups) – the casualties were single leg deadlifts and two Mary based exercises, to-wit: side crunches and Russian Twists. My apologies for short-changing the Pax with these omissions.

Some experimentation with the cadence on certain of the movements this morning – YHC appreciates the liberties and the patience (and the saved breaths) with the one counts: one … thousand, two … thousand, …). Also, thanks to Toga for the sage counsel of form practice on the Turkish Getups sans the KBs – wisdom.

Corrections/additions/etc. welcomed in any comments.

"I honor the Roman republic more than the empire. The one believed in austere virtue, and the other had bread and circuses." Wallace Stegner, All the Little Live Things.

1 Corinthians 16:13 — "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."


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  1. I nominate Earthworm as our Orator in Chief. Enjoyed the Kettle Bells this morning, fellas!

  2. You guys keep saying that you’re new to this, but there was nothing wrong with that weinke. It was a solid list of kb exercises, and we should be sticking to the basics before we start doing snatch and cleans. Thanks for leading and thanks to BT for loaning me his bell. He’s so free with it.

  3. Honey Do RVA on

    Sorry to miss this one. Earthworm can I borrow that Weinke at Gridiron this Sat so I can brush up for my VKBQ next week. All I had down was 45 min of snatched and cleans…

  4. Well done Earthworm. Good idea to add to the basic KB repertoire. Plenty of time for snatch and clean and other body wrenching activities after we figure out the basics.

  5. Appreciate the ground and pound (and the KB Basics) this morning Earthworm, especially after the J-ville odyssey around SOT yesterday. I’m feeling the halos and those 8-counts for sure. I smell a run on 8-count starters coming on — fingers crossed for a small PAX when that happens.