Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Breakfast Club

In a crispy cold but refreshing morning, three brave men showed up. Orange Crush felt like we did not put enough layer considering temperature. As soon as we started running toward the DogPile, he never mentioned it again. Upon completion of return trip, we all felt great and were glad we did run in the morning.

5 brave souls adapted the time honored tradition of the start and stop location for Breakfast Club. This was done in order to obtain a most delicious biscuit sandwich. According to the aloof cyclist, this is how it went down. Led by Fauxberry (AKA Handshake), we moseyed down Robinson, around the lakes, and through and uncleared field for the long way around to get to Dogpile. Got in about 2.5 miles! On the way back the biscuits were calling our name so we took a more direct route. Alas, our journey was in vain, as when we arrived. They biscuit…

Cold, rain, and wind was predicted for the morning. Scaring away many from The Breakfast Club. Luckily, the weather was 70 degrees and sunny, perfect weather for a couple dudes with mustaches and Hawaiian shirts to run back and forth through Carytown. Upon completion of return trip EF Hutton took us out with some kind words. NMM Great to get the pre and post mosey in. Enjoyed getting to know E. F. Hutton a little better. Still working out the pace for this thing. We ended up getting some extra credit running in because YHC was going to fast and…

2 warriors descended the mean streets of Carytown. Pre and post a most excellent Upchuck beat down. Topics of conversation included the etymology of F3 exercise names and the joys of the home owner experience. Great fellowship today! Also YHC must be doing breakfast club wrong as fellow PAX keep saying slow down.

3 Road Warriors made the trip from ET’s to DogPile, 4 made the trip back. Along the way Hitch told tales of his military days in which smoking was rewarded with a 10 minute break on the hour every hour. Non-smokers kept digging, naturally Hitch picked up smoking.

Seven intrepid warriors put in miles before and after the main event. The PAX humored YHC and took the route less traveled. Cary to Freeman past City Stadium, Douglasdale, Rugby to Pumphouse Drive past the Church Roundabout and up the hill to the flag. 2.55 miles in, rougly 1.5 back.

In a chilly morning, three strong men ran to Dogpile around the lake and ran back to the ET. We felt like we were moving that morning. About 4.5 miles at an 8-8:30 pace. Good conversation! Learned that Doublemint does a lot of volunteering with his children and Orange Crush is a good cook.

It was a little bit quiet morning. EF Hutton and I started off running to the Dogpile and ran back to the ET after the Dogpile. ~ 4 miles. While we were running, we shared a lot about ourselves. I felt like I know EF Hutton a little better after the run. Thanks EF Hutton!

A six pack put in miles in search of another six pack. Got it done at a very healthy clip today. 4ish miles at a roughly an 8-8:30 pace. Rosie did a bit more because he’s excellent. Conversation was great and educational. Alpaca sh*t is full of nitrogen and makes a darn fine tea according to Mrs. Wood.

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