Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Delicious Woke Bagel


Cold, rain, and wind was predicted for the morning. Scaring away many from The Breakfast Club. Luckily, the weather was 70 degrees and sunny, perfect weather for a couple dudes with mustaches and Hawaiian shirts to run back and forth through Carytown. Upon completion of return trip EF Hutton took us out with some kind words.


Great to get the pre and post mosey in. Enjoyed getting to know E. F. Hutton a little better. Still working out the pace for this thing. We ended up getting some extra credit running in because YHC was going to fast and we didn’t want to have to stand around and get cold again. Also, YHC highly recommends the different types of unique coffee available from The Breakfast Clubs interior. Untoasted, unsliced bagels? Not so much.


About Author

F3RVA member since 9/26/19. Came to fIrst beatdown OYO, Q'd by Marmaduke. Welcomed by Hermes, Rosie, Honeymoon, Cerrano, Bullseye, Nancy Lopez, Lugnut, Punxsutawney. Proud to be part of the fine group of men that is F3RVA. Husband, Father, member of the community.

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