Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WaThoHuk

Pocahontas Middle School

Brick, Lighthouse and me enjoyed a warm morning running 3.3 miles in Short Pump. During the run we first hit Trader Joes for some Don Quixote’s, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Freddie Mercuries and Flutter Kicks. We then ran up a parking deck and at the top did some 7’s with Mountain Climbers and Burpees, then a triple check with Squats, LBCs and running up and down one level. We then ran all the way down and eventually found the Gazebo to do some dips and step ups in cadence. After running back to the flag we did some stretching. My…

7 pax showed up for a 3 mile run and bootcamp that sprawled from Pocohontas to short pump park and back. Mosey to the cement pad Warmarama- 25 SSH 20 helicopters 10 Don Qs 10 merkins 10 crunchy frogs 25 LBCs Mosey to short pump park on a meandering wet path through the woods across from the Village. Once we hit the splash pad we stayed dry for 5 compounding orbital runs staying in stride. Round 1: 10 merkins run an orbital R2: 10 merkins 20 dips run an orbital R3: 10 merkins 20 dips 30 squats run and orbital…

The WTH trio hit the neighborhood and ended up running 3.6 miles and doing 30 burpees, 130 hand release merkins and 230 (2 count) flutter kicks. As simple and fun as that.

Due to my 4-24 Church softball team actually surviving the first night of playoffs, I took the eight studs, including our one visitor Cyclops, to the Short Pump softball field for some fun. After some warmups, we did three rounds of exercises at each base (2 people per base). Home plate was the timer doing 10 Burpees. When they finished, they shouted “Go” and everyone ran to the next base. First base started with Flutter Kicks, second base Hand Release Merkins, third base Squats. 2nd round: first base LBCs, second base Elbow Planks, third base Jump Squats. Before the third…

only 2 of us for WaThoHuk Wednesday. We ran a big square from the school, to around the lake, around the new condominiums, to Broad Street to Pump Road to Three Chopt and back to the school. We still had time left, so we did 20 Merkins, 20 Dollies, 20 Merkins and 20 Dollies. Then to the track. I managed 3 laps and a little more. Lighthouse did more of course, including merkins and dollies. Back to the flag.

3rd F (Faith)Thank you for taking us out Lighthouse. I hope your cousin’s travels to the US are safe and she makes it here soon. 2nd F (Fellowship) BRR teams need drivers … See Slack BRR channel if you can help out2nd Tuesday 2nd F lunch is next week on the 9th in Short pump/Innsbrook areaThe Crucible launch this Saturday at 730 .. come out and support the men at Healing Hands. 1st F: (Fitness)4 Pax this morning as we joined together to take on the day from Pocahontas Middle school. Nothing complex today.. no crazy rules or burpees for…

We did about 3.2 miles from the flag to Short Pump park, at the park we did a warmaramma, ran in some circles doing abs exercises (LBC, WWII, Flutters), did some triple checks with dips and step ups and more running and got rained on. Add a COT and all before you need to click to

Gypsy reminded some and informed others of the origination of the WaThoHuk name. I did a little research to add to the story. It was Jim Thorpe’s name from being a member of the Sac and Fox Nation and is translated as “Bright Path”. Jim Thorpe is one of the greatest athletes ever, second to Pigskin. When looking for a new name of this AO, that is located at Pocahontas Middle School, a Native American name was desired and no better athlete for some inspiration than Jim Thorpe. He is also a good lesson for all of us as he…

3 enjoyed some running in the morning. We stopped for three rounds of 20 decline Merkings, 20 dips, and 20 LBCs. After that ran some more, stopping at a football field for a ladder of Burpees starting at one and ending at ten. Finished with more running.

Three esteemed colleagues gathered at the 2022 WTH Accounting and Economics conference to debate the recession, housing market and burpees. Required Session 1: Are we in a Recession? We ran West on Three Chopt and determined the answer. It is only available to paying attendees. Required Session 2: Icebreaker/Parking lot warm-up. Speakers included Side Straddle Hops, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers & Ukrainian Soldiers. Ended with everyone’s favorite speaker, 10 burpees OYO. Required Session 11’s: Counted the 10 burpees as the beginning and then ran up the lot to meet the engaging presenter, Jump Squats and then back and forth doing 11’s.…

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