Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: TheShining

Wild Thing started us off this AM as 18 brothers in arms rose up and posted at Rise and Shine. Wild Thing reminded us about our discussion on the SadClown and the reasons as we POGO and struggle through life.  He gave us a reminder of the difference of being alone and being isolated.  He through quite the beat down when he read from Freed to Lead – “Calling your wife your best friend is a true and dangerous OprahBomb – sweet and high-sounding on the surface, but gritless underneath” and “men don’ know how to make friends.” Chatter rose…

20 men took up residence in the Rise & Shine Diner at 6:30 am for a Third F throw down that went something like this… YHC started by stating, “Welcome to F3. My name is The Carpenter. I am not a certified trainer for this spiritual workout. You may think I am because I serve as a pastor but the only real certified trainer is Jesus. Jesus has given us his spirit who he called the great comforter or counselor. I like to call the Holy Spirit the great trainer. He will be our trainer today as I lead. This…

14 men chose to engage in a spiritual workout this morning at the Rise & Shine Diner and it went something like this… Motown fired up the discussion on “Lesson #7: Don’t Make Life So Damn Complicated” by asking the question, “What makes our lives complicated?” The PAX engaged the question in one large group and pulled no punches. Motown shared from the “Seven Lessons in Manliness from the Greatest Generation” study we have been considering: If there is a common thread in these lessons, it’s having a common sense and a level-headed approach to life. The Greatest Generation’s uncomplicated approach to…

18 men, including 3 FNGs, fought off the fartsack for a spiritual workout in the Rise & Shine Diner side room. The men started filling the room starting at 6:15 am and all were set to go by 6:40 am when 2 kettle bell fighters completed the PAX. Here is what went down… Opening call to arms and prayer YHC shared the sixth lesson from the “7 Lessons in Manliness from the Greatest Generation” The Greatest Generation wasn’t the greatest despite the challenges they faced, but because of them. Today many men shirk challenge and difficult pursuits, believing that the easier life…

16 pax plus 2 FNGs showed up at the Shining to shine some light on LOVE. This is what transpired: COP Chatter and Fellowship as food orders were taken. Reading of Romans 8:35 –  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? A Daily Prayer: God, I offer myself again to you. You are in charge. I am your agent. Whatever you have in store for me, let me accept it and do with it as you would have me do. Your will be done,…

5 pax plus 1 FNG showed up on a raining morning during this week between Christmas and New Years. This is what transpired: COP Chatter and Fellowship as food orders were taken. Reading of Isaiah 40:31 –  …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. A Daily Prayer: God, I offer myself again to you. You are in charge. I am your agent. Whatever you have in store for me, let me accept it and do…

14 pax plus 7 FNGs showed up for the third Q at The Shinning.  To start we fellow-shipped and gave our orders to our most gracious host. This is what transpired: COP Chatter and Fellowship as food orders were taken. Reading of Romans 8:17 – Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his suffering in order that we may also share in His glory. A Daily Prayer: God, I offer myself again to you. You are in charge. I am your agent. Whatever you…

8 pax plus one 14 FNGs showed up for the second Q at The Shinning.  Being a 3rd F Q, the chatter was high, tardiness was present in force and the food flowed. #TheShining This is what transpired: COP Chatter and Fellowship as food orders were taken. Reading of James 1:26-27 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+1%3A26-27&version=NIV A Daily Prayer: God, I offer myself again to you. You are in charge. I am your agent. Whatever you have in store for me, let me accept it and do with it as you would have me do. Your will be done, not mine. Please use me…

24 men stormed out of their beds to participate in a 3rd F experiment at the Rise & Shine Diner at 6:30 am. Most of the crowd were guys from the DaVille area. Some of them have engaged in 1st F workouts while others are actively considering joining us in the gloom. Here is what went down this morning: YHC (Wild Thing) opened up with a call to arms and challenged the men to embrace a vision of teaming up as men to fight the battles of their lives. He shared from Luke 2 in the Bible and described how the…