Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Soar Like an Eagle


5 pax plus 1 FNG showed up on a raining morning during this week between Christmas and New Years.

This is what transpired:


Chatter and Fellowship as food orders were taken.

Reading of Isaiah 40:31 –  …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

A Daily Prayer:

  • God, I offer myself again to you. You are in charge. I am your agent. Whatever you have in store for me, let me accept it and do with it as you would have me do. Your will be done, not mine. Please use me to be a help to another suffering sinner today.

After the prayer we moved into our main workout which today was a Singlet – a study of a single verse.  This was an audible as the attendance was light.


Singlet of the day – Isaiah 40:31

Broke the verse in 2 parts – What is the “IF”?  What is the “THEN”?

What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”? Divot read out of another version and it said “wait upon the Lord” and Elmer stated that his notes say that to hope is to trust in the Lord.

What does it mean to “soar on wings like eagles”? YHC mentioned how this could mean that we can reach new heights or go further. Fast Food talked about seeing more clearly. Elmer talk about not being tossed around by the world but being in control.

What does it mean to “run and not grow weary”? Discussion around if you in life and worn down, most likely you are not in God’s will. Yikes!

What does it mean to “walk and not be faint”? Discussion centered around endurance and consistency.


The Pax started arriving at The Shinning at around 6:25.  The Pax was light so we all gathered around in one table.  Given the numbers YHC modified and changed the workout from the next Headliner around Love to a Singlet on Isaiah 40:31.  This was the verse of the day in the Bible App…  After reading the verse Mud Face arrived and YHC took the opportunity to read the verse again.

After the read we talk about “hoping in the Lord” and read some other versions.  Worm, being the book worm he is, brought us to verse 26 of Isaiah 40.  From there discussion really start flowing from the pax.

The majority of the discussion centered around the what it means to “hope” / “trust” in the Lord. Then YHC shared how when he is upset with timing that he is not looking expectantly to the Lord and out of the Lord’s plan.  At the end of study YHC shared his action step was to go to the scriptures when he finds himself out of God’s will and to surrender on his knees daily. YHC challenged each man to make their own action step and do it!

After announcements Fast Food took us out in a prayer.


  • F3 tomorrow AM at “The Creek” – New Highland Baptist church – Opus will have his virgin Q!
  • Order your Focus Prayer Books by paying Abacus $20 and going to this link and filling out the form – – – http://www.paracleteanswers.com/material.html

1 Comment

  1. Sorry I missed yesterday! The fartsack got me. Awesome to see you did Isaiah 40:31 this is actually my life verse!

    Hopefully I will be returning to the shining after the school year. Back to leading the 7th grade boy next week