Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Spider Run

University of Richmond

8 committed men showed for a run around UR and surrounding neighborhoods. When YHC offered two options: River Run or Bandy Field (more hills), the reaction he received was not as expected. After a brief period of silence and mulling things over, all chose the route with more hills. In all, we did well at keeping the PAX together and were frequently reminded how useful head-lamps (or rhymes with “seen us”-lamps) are this time of year. Anyway, YHC was personally glad to be out running after a couple of days off, hitting the local hills on a fairly pleasant morning.…

7 and 1 FNG posted for a very atypical Spider Run.  The weather, the hills, and the ROPE were perfect.  The Thang: Run by the lake, past the Robins Center and behind the fraternity houses to come out on Wheeler.  Make a left up to Ridge Top and start heading down Shrewsbury to YHC’s back driveway.  The PAX picked up a token(s) (kettle bells, dumbbells, cinder block…), walked them up to the stop sign at the Ridge Top intersection, back down to the Horsepen intersection, ran up to and climbed the rope hanging from the Toga family sweetgum tree, and…

7 Stalwarts posted for a morning run starting at UR. Weather was absolutely glorious. 63 degrees, downright cool for a morning jaunt. The Thang: Grandmother run….over the river and through he woods. Take the road down to the path next to the golf course, follow the path to the end and run along huguenot road and over the bridge, go West on Riverside drive until it hits Cherokee. Turn around and follow the same path back to the start. NMM Toga and Swirly were leading the pack today. They had a good pace going and had a strong run. Next…

9 showed for today’s workout at U of R. Running Options: Relatively flat River Run (TYA bat cave to bridge to Riverside, etc.) or hillier option through Bandy Field, St Chris, etc. (lots of ins and outs and what have yous…) Biking route: See Bleeder… I can say, however, a portion of it involved pedaling from Windsor Farms to the UR campus. We welcomed our visitor Prohibition from Charlotte today. It was also great to see DK for what is assumed his first(?) visit to the Spider Run (thanks for making the trip dude…hope you weren’t too late getting home).…

Fall was in the air this morning as cooler weather prevailed.  The kids are back at UR signaling the end of summer and the return to collegiate life.  We tackled the Westham 4 miler loop leading us along the parkway, down by the canal, and home along the overgrown road by CCV.  The Pax added on distance, either by hill or lake, ‘til 6:15. It was good to see almost all of the Pax travel to and from the AO for extra mileage.  Getting BRR tough. Marv took us out, in an excellent fashion as always.

9 showed up for a run up and around UR and its surrounding residential area. Routes varied depending upon personal interest and the status of one’s GI tract – Fudd run, River Run, or Stifler’s Mom…take your pick. Kudos to those on ran to the AO today: Sippy, Marv, Pucker and Fudd. Some other brief observations: – It is consistently dark now, so lights are necessary – It may not be winter, but potholes are still a threat – A well-placed light around one’s abdomen will illuminate all kinds of things – The BRR is only 24 days away (or…

Six regulars convened in the light rain with 1 should-have-been-pax-pucker sighting on the last leg of the run.  Weather was cool and slightly damp. Thang The goal today was most of the turkey trot route with only minor modifications due to time.  The end result was a few larger adjustments due to the dogs and cats falling from the sky.  If there was a turkey anywhere around it would have drowned.  Run up by the football stadium, up campus rd, down toano, up roselawn, down ridgeway, through the construction, back by the commons, around the lake, up the wooden steps, up to…

9 fleet footed warriors posted for a Tuesday Spider run. Weather was 70 and sunny. The Thang: Down the hill to the path that follows CCV. Follow the path until the end and head across the Huguenot bridge. Take Riverside drive west until it hits Cherokee. Turn back around and head back to the shovel flag following the same route. NMM: This was the second time YHC did this route. The first time I got terribly lost coming back. Today, I carefully watched the first several turns to make sure I knew the route, fortunately, I got it right this…

7 runners + one on two wheels posted for a swampy Spider Run.  Most roads into the Commons were closed, providing some logistic challenges for most of the PAX.  Eventually circle up at the Commons then head out for some hill fun. The Thang Mosey around the lake, past the baseball field, up fraternity row, short loop around Dartmoor before the long slow slog up Horsepen to Patterson.  Back down Ridge Top to our favorite Spider Run hill Chandler for interval repeats.  1 minute up Chandler at 80% with a slow mosey back down to the bottom in 1:45.  Repeat for a…

7 posted for a run and what turned out to be relatively pleasant weather. Here is what transpired… Route: Lakewood to Wood, Wood to Waveny, a few lefts and rights to Chandler where we then cross over into Bandy Field. Honaker-Hanover-Pepper, yada yada yada, finish with some nice hill work taking Tapoan to Ridgeway to Towana. NMS: Fairly descent whether considering what we had been experiencing. Didn’t stop members of the PAX, however, from being completely drenched afterward. YHC tried chatting-up a woman walking a golden retriever…then quickly learned it was Fudd’s step-mom (last time I try that). Otherwise, PAX…

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