Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Raider Run

YHC was planning to surprise the group with some real running business–a tempo run–to coincide with the beginning of the school year. YHC’s youngest 2.0, however, prevented anything resembling a normal night’s sleep for YHC who instead called a nice easy run on the Farm House loop. 3 Davillians led one summer tourist on what is the closest thing to a standard route at this AO. YHC’s easy run was foiled by deciding to keep up with Phonics for about 5 miles, which turned into a tempo run for YHC. Opus and Honeydo logged about four miles, and the ruckers…

5 runners and 2 Ruckers including a summer tourist for in their humid run of the week Route was heading to Craney Island down Dewitt then head into Giles for a full loop around the neighborhood then over to the neighborhood exit in front of Chickahominy MS. Finish for a loop around the schools for 4+. Opus and YHC took it easy getting 5k+ while Marco Polo and Speakeasy did some loops around the HS parking lot to get closer to 5 miles Ruckers got in a full 45 minutes and 3 miles Great to see Lockjaw this morning Spit…

4 guys came out to run today — here is what happened. We ran.Haha. Farmhouse loop with a little extraBetween 4.25 and 5 miles Lots of conversation.

Seven posted at Atlee High School on this perfect Tuesday morning for a run and ride that included a Tuckahoe traveler and a new guy. This is what we did: The Routes: Run: Spit and Marco Polo did the farmhouse look for just under 5 miles. Ride: Corned Beef, Offshore, Circle K, Classified (FNG), and YHC went Atlee to Honey Meadows, to Kings Charter, to Totopotomoy to Milestone and back for just over 9 miles. COT – Numberarama, Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Corned Beef took us out. NMS Offshore had planned on doing the Anvil Ride a week ago but with the…

3 runners parted the mists to scout the hilly terrain of the not-yet-mapped southwestern quadrant of the Giles neighborhood. The mission from YHC was to assess the likelihood of an eventual trail connection from this back corner of Giles to a nearby street. The societal need for such a connector is great because sometimes YHC is bored and wants a different way to torture the Pax by making them run back up the hills from the back of Giles at the end of the run. After the recon and a review of the resulting cartographic record, the probabilities favor continued…

6 Davillians as a group did a triathlon the F3 way. A pair of bikers went about 10 miles, with both YHC and Phonics contributing to correct and wrong turns along the way. Opus and Marco Polo kept the traditional Anvil Run going with just under 5 miles, and Corned Beef and No Idea both posted to ruck so that Yardsale would not have to ruck by himself. Their loyalty must have created enough good karma to ensure that today no one rucked alone, even if Yardsale succumbed to the fartsack. After some 10 minutes of good-natured chatter, we realized…

A rucker and 2 riders gathered on the grounds of Atlee High School to enjoy the beautiful with low humidity. One of the riders then noticed that his bike had a flat. That ended his ride. This is what the lone remaining rider and lone rucker did. The Route Rucker – Started at 5 AM and went more than 4 miles. Rider – Started at 5:30 AM – Went about 9.5 miles through the grounds of Atlee, Honey Meadows, Kings Charter, Totopotomoy, Milestone, and back. COT – Numberarama, Name-O-Rama, Announcements, YHC took us out. NMS Being cautious because of a…

I was concerned I would be in for a solo run this morning after only the two ruckers gave firm commits to posting. Nothing to fear, though, as Anchovy, Phonics, and Spit made for a solid running PAX. My route planning matched my expectations for the group, so we just did an out and back through Honey Meadows to Kings Charter Drive, turned right, and went as far as we could while still making it back to the flag. Phonics and I managed to time it right and get a bit more than 5.25 miles in. Anchovy turned around a…

Eight iron workers chose to forge their personal steel at the Anvil. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the parents dropping their kids for a summer camp trip, the following may possibly have happened. Routes: 6 Runners: The Honey Meadows Route. 2.5 out, reverso back. 2 Ruckers: 3.5 miles. No Idea (different guy) of the route these two took. Darius did not join today. Announcements: RAMM: Speakeasy coming south on Friday for RAMM. This is a Prodigal Son run. A former near West Ender, Speakeasy knows the neighborhoods, street kids, and local hangouts. Wednesday/Manana (which means tomorrow): Deliverance Workout…

1 Rucker and 5 runners met north of the wall at 0 dark thirty to get in a few miles. According to the walker who won’t talk to us, this is more or less what happened. Long mosey to the gravel track for an interval workout. One lap with dynamic stretching, then alternating laps of 80% and 40% of max effort. Strong work by the PAX and we all got a little better. Numbers names, announcements, Corned Beef took us out. Thanks for the hospitality North of the wall! Good to chat about Tuesday run series, intervals, and communication strategies.…

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