Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Raider Ride

Seven posted at Atlee High School on this perfect Tuesday morning for a run and ride that included a Tuckahoe traveler and a new guy. This is what we did: The Routes: Run: Spit and Marco Polo did the farmhouse look for just under 5 miles. Ride: Corned Beef, Offshore, Circle K, Classified (FNG), and YHC went Atlee to Honey Meadows, to Kings Charter, to Totopotomoy to Milestone and back for just over 9 miles. COT – Numberarama, Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Corned Beef took us out. NMS Offshore had planned on doing the Anvil Ride a week ago but with the…

6 Davillians as a group did a triathlon the F3 way. A pair of bikers went about 10 miles, with both YHC and Phonics contributing to correct and wrong turns along the way. Opus and Marco Polo kept the traditional Anvil Run going with just under 5 miles, and Corned Beef and No Idea both posted to ruck so that Yardsale would not have to ruck by himself. Their loyalty must have created enough good karma to ensure that today no one rucked alone, even if Yardsale succumbed to the fartsack. After some 10 minutes of good-natured chatter, we realized…