Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Morning Wood

30 minute trail run prior to Rock N Roll

The Morning Wood Crew enjoyed a wet run through the paved nature trails of Rockwood Park. Downed branches and YHC’s substandard light made for an interesting journey. Big Rig was at the park early and got in a total of 5 miles. Well done, sir. House Party and myself did a version of the normal route, then added on a couple parking lot laps at the end. A good time was had by all!

Two regulars ran the paved loop trail before Rock N Roll. Chaplain is still dealing with some back issues so he’s been having to modify and take more days off. Mumble chatter included IPC, injuries, and football. Always good to run with my brother Chap!

Big Rig got in a 3 mile run on his own before launch time then joined Chaplain and YHC for another 2 miles of Morning Wood. Mumble chatter included weight loss accomplishments, increasing pull up reps, and upcoming races. Big Rig is an inspirational guy. He’s lost about 50 pounds over the past year and will be doing the Fall 10k in Waynesboro. He had to leave before Rock N Roll due to momma bear in town visiting.

The newly named Fonzie (Miles) made his debut at the Wood. Gave him an overview of the group and what to expect during the workout. Finished the paved nature trail, then back to the flag. It was great catching up!

In hindsight, running prior to Doozy’s cardiovascular themed workout may have been a bad idea. But we all survived! Ran on some of the park’s trails, past the lake, then back to the flag. It was great catching up with Florence and HP.

2 Oaks of Morning Wood traversed the paved trail loop for a 2 mile run before R&R and School of Rock. Mumble chatter included excitement for the new Crucible AO and the prospect of double dipping that AO and Dogpile once a month. Also chatted about upcoming NFL season and prospects for Washington and Tampa Bay. Enjoyed it as always brother. We were missing our other Oak in Chaplain today. 

The Morning Wood crew is always up for an adventure and exploring new areas. This morning, Florence led us down a newly discovered trail that runs along the park’s boundary. Unfortunately, it appeared to actually be the driveway to a cannibalistic hillbilly compound. Realizing our mistake, we high tailed it back to the safety of the park. Cruised past the lake on the nature trail, then back to the flag. A good time was had by all.

4 Brothers of the Wood took a chance on YHC’s idea of trying a new route today. Tried the utility road route that goes from the side of Rockwood Park out to Hull Street Rd. But after getting to Hull Street and realizing there were no sidewalks, YHC called an audible and we headed back to our bread and butter route through the Nature Trail and BTTF. 2 miles’ish covered before DTH’s beatdown. Mumble chatter included ongoing discussions of college football and conference shuffling, as well as Chaplain’s adeptness at maneuvering post graduate college courses.

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