Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Morning Wood

30 minute trail run prior to Rock N Roll

The best thing about Morning Wood is that you can pretty much just do whatever you want. Big Rig got in some early miles (10 total) in typical Big Rig fashion. Florence and YHC joined for the latter portions of the run. House Party Rucked around the main road of the park. Mudslide and State Farm ventured to parts unknown. Touchdown shot baskets in the dark by himself. As is customary: a good time was had by all.

Last week, no broga at Rock and Roll(Posh and myself were out at Tough Mudder). This morning, a group of 5 got loose and stretched out in the parking lot(right now it’s the best spot with the light situation). The idea is to stretch out everything from head to toe, some parts won’t take long yet others just to loosen up take a little bit. We hit everything finishing with a pigeon, to 3 legged dog, to knee to elbow hold after that a wide leg stretch to close things out and get ready for the main Q. Have a…

YHC started out at about 5:40 with the goal of getting in a couple miles prior to Mudslides Broga. Rockwood had all the lights on at the fields but thought I might hit some of the trails. Thought again after seeing some animals and leaves rustling. Although though the headlamp was in full effect, YHC got a little spooked and decided to get back to the lit path. Still managed 3 miles prior to the beatdown. Sorry to miss Mudslide but he drove another vehicle that I wasn’t familiar with. House Party

This morning before we started Rock N Roll, I arrived to stretch out, get loose. It was ok to find a little light, stretch also figiure out some things i wanted to try out. I felt good after a little over 10 minutes, I was done and ready for the next part of the morning. There will be none next Saturday I will be out at Tough Mudder finishing my 2023 season

YHC was eager to get started on this cool morning at Rockwood Park for another version of morning wood. It was almost as early as a Graveyard Shift. So 5 am I started the Running timer on my Garmin watch and got to steppin. Shortly after I began I glanced at my watch and it was stuck at 14 seconds. My watch had taken a sh*t. So everything I did after that did not actually happen. I may have done about 5 miles then got my ruck sack and started a lap and uh oh…. YHC had to take a…

YHC, Rosie, McGruff and Hardywood went for an early run. Lots of storm damage and downed trees on the paved trail. We were lucky to have the two Brogi’s to tag team some stretching on the basketball court. Last Call started us out, and Mudslide wrapped up a full body routine. It was great catching up with everyone!

Talk about a change in the weather, it felt good to come out, stretch and get ready for what led to another DTH style workout. A lot of just getting the muscles worked, loose plus we held positions like runner’s lunge for a little extra time. One thing I like to do is that slow 3 second merkin down, hold for 3, then back up for 3. I don’t quite have a set routine down still working on creating a decent flow but we get 10-12 minutes in which is about right. I think we all felt good, ready to…

Big Rig and YHC took off at 6:00am for a pre-beatdown ruck. We managed to get in about 2 miles before splitting up. While YHC decided to do some stretching, Big Rig decided to do a little extra running. Mubble chatter today was great. Its always nice to catch up and just talk about life. House Party

Yes…there’s another offering of Broga via F3(over at Rock and Roll on Saturdays but if a convergence or something else came up and we needed a small session, I can come through). A group of 4 came out, we hit the basketball courts and worked everything from head to toe. The humidity helped things out where the muscles, joints, etc were able to get warmed up a little quicker. The idea each time is to work the body to where as we train, it’s not getting hurt. In fact helping in to heal plus loosen and allow us to be…

I stepped outside this morning and went…whoa(not humid, feels good). I made my way over to Rockwood Park to honor my commitment of Saturday flexibility and mobility before the main workout. 3 came out to get the muscles prepped and ready Started out a little flexion(gripping the toes into the ground) straightening the legs and stretching up high. Then a swan dive down, back up using a little core(back down again). We did a little balancing(standing on one foot, the second time holding the knee). There are days where both sides go great, one id good the other is a…

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