Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No time for malaise


4 mile route. Track warmup and neighborhood loop.

NMS – Andy Jenks was not available for a rap video and its easy to harbor confusion on whether we would work today.

Was it a test? You decide. Consider: This is the first day of the rest of your life…

Was the weather hyped up? What isnt these days? In a world of ready to reuse recorded forever comments and layers of lawyers, of course VDOT needs to say “stay off the roads” and Chik-fil-A need to announce a delayed opening.

Did it look bad? From the window maybe. Cars had a windshield wiper defeated level of ice. The sheen of ice on the driveway gives way to 3000 lbs and tires. The roads were only wet.

Was it for everyone? Dunno. It was fine for YHC.

Prayer: May the sad clowns awaken and the muffins melt away in the rain and the sweat.

No time for Malaise or any of her ilk: https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/malaise



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