Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Wellington Whittaker Wynmoor


Six Stallions gathered for a cool morning run on a cross neighborhood route named after a law firm. Greenbow took us out.

Route – S on Pump, Wellington, Weather Vane, Tunbridge, Gayton, JRP, Glen Eagles, Old Prescott. More or less.

NMS- parts of the West end can feel like you’re in a rabbit warren. The neighborhoods around Gayton are key examples (looking at you Wellington and the back 9 of Kingsley). They feature just enough turns to head you in different directions so that you question which way you’re looking and thus it’s tough to make a decision to go left or right – then you try something only to find a dead end. YHC has maps but the pax want to learn the back roads on their own, as good navigators would and so we are resigned that familiarization takes a bit of time. That’s ok because it’s the only way to get your bearings and overcome second guesses. Also it doesn’t help that some of the maps – the ios maps for example – make it look like roads connect when they don’t. Maybe they did at one time, but concerned neighbors wanted to reduce traffic and here we are. At any rate, it provides for adventure on the par that @Bodo’s would accept, but we likely need to find things to climb over to get him out. The Q slots are open, there’s nothing like planning routes to help you get your bearings.

NB One challenge, some of our early morning driving neighbors get freaked out by runners on the streets, so the TTP is to plan routes attempting to minimize time on any street without a sidewalk. That strange incident on the Ridgefield X weeks back is seared in our memory.



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  1. I thought that was your specialty?

    Good route Gomer. I’ll get the creative juices flowing for next week.