Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: #CSAUP

Completely Stupid and Udderly Pointless

TYA and Lab Rat have planned a little trail run/hike on the Appalachian Trail for above date, leaving town after kids get on buses.  Planned trip is to Rockfish Gap, run 19 miles south then come home.  TYA would love to have a buffer of more pax members to prevent the need of wearing earbuds the whole trip (it’s cute he thinks that will work). Anybody interested that can take a day off work is welcome to join us.  The entire leg is 19 miles, but shorter out and back legs of any distance would be available as well.  Plan…

Since YHC has to cook for you kooks, it would be nice to have a head count of who is IN.  If you know of someone that is definitely signed up, feel free to add them: Lab Rat TYA BT Lockjaw Saab HoneyDo There are more, but YHC doesnt want to guess.  Also, if you still want to sign up and its closed, contact Lab Rat.  There is the infamous back door method (it’s a real thing).  Also note:  if you have family/non-pax coming, to run or otherwise, let me know for the head count.  This is an OPEN TO…

2016 Merkin Challenge Standard goal is 5000 for the month, feel free to modify as you see fit.  5 days to rest up, gentlemen! Also, this challenge (as all of our monthly challenges are) is open to family members.  Feel free to share the link with your M and shorties. Any questions or lack of motivation, see Swirly.

1 PAX was present at the Pound Gap aid station at 10:00pm Saturday for his next leg on the Cloudsplitter 100 miler. This is more or less what transpired (probably less since TYA had the Q, and YHC was barely lucid at the time). YHC had a tough leg immediately prior. Suffice to say, GI issues led to a PAX who was low on energy and enthusiasm – particularly at the thought of having to venture back up a mountain at 10pm for what was estimated to be a 6 hour out-and-back. TYA recognized the state of the PAX and…

Two rugged maniacs escaped the sack for a Saturday morning beatdown.  Here’s how it went down. COP Mosey around waiting area Don Quixote Abe Vigoda style Imperial Walkers Lunges Copperhead Squats Mosey 5 kilometers through mud, muck, and mire.  Navigate over, under, through 25 obstacles of varying difficulty testing the PAX’s strength, agility, balance, grit and determination. MOLESKIN In true F3 style, the PAX arrived in the early morning gloom to a nearly empty parking lot.  YHC arrived at 0815 to secure the perimeter for a scheduled 1000 beatdown, only to have the remaining PAX arrive just a few minutes…

YHC arrived early to secure AO and set up informational booth strategically next to TGIFridays booth, only to find that Phonics and family had the place on lock-down well before the RatMobile rolled up. YHC, along with the assistance of Mighty Mouse, planted a couple shovelflags and put out a table with some propaganda for the sad clowns and waited for the pax to arrive. First on the scene was Offshore, who used his scholarly talents to check Lab Rat’s work on the white board.  Unfortunately, Lab Rat received a C- for misspelling both “exercise” and “complete”.  It’s good to…

All, Our own Phonics heads up this race every year for a great cause.  It is the week after BRR, so everybody should be in great running shape to burn this race down! Seriously, this is a grass roots organization for a great cause headed up by some of the best people I know.  It’s not expensive, it’s not an all day thing, and it is right up F3’s alley.  Grab the family and come on out to support the kids and families that are going thru some really tough times. F3 will also have a booth set up, complete…

F3RVA: Dominion Riverrock is this weekend from Friday to Sunday.  In addition to running the 5K (dog wave) and the half marathon Sunday morning, my dog is participating in the air dog competition on Sunday afternoon.  If you are planning on being down that way, make sure to bring the kiddies by to see “Oakley the Flying Burrito” take to the ramp, Sunday at 2:00, then hopefully make the finals at 4:00.  More events can be found at http://www.dominionriverrock.com/ Also, if you are looking for something completely stupid to do, my father-in-law and I are doing a paddling race…

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