Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Breakfast Club

Two hearty slices of PAX sandwiched a Corned Beef beatdown by running from ET’s to DogPile and back covering approximately 3.9 miles. Breakfast Club is still a thing, come on out when you can. Great to have Hardywood back at it.

A pair of cantankerous old men gathered in the ET parking lot for a morning constitutional over to Dogpile. Being cantankerous old men, they complained about aches, the route and kids today with their iPhones.

BreakFast Club – Some PAX* gathered in the Gloom and ran from ET’s to Dogpile…that is all… DogPile’s THANG: Some other PAX joined us at the DTH Shovel Flag, and when the time was right we all moseyed down to the Amphitheater for some COP love: SSH x50 ICDQ’s x10 ICHydraulic Squats x10 ICIncline Merkins x10 ICDips x10 ICDerkins x10 ICLBC’s x20 IC Mosey to Carillon Field for COP #2: Four Corners Escalator: x10 Lt DansAdd x20 Am Hammers (2-ct)Add x30 Plank JacksAdd x40 WWIIReverso Hardywood won a Matchbox CarAwaiting the SIX, we completed x40 Freddie M’s IC followed by x40 Flutter Kicks…

A fantastic 4 got in their extra credit before Dogpile today. YHC burned himself out with 6.5 miles for the first half and need some encouragement on the way back. Rest of the PAX a solid 2 to start and 1.5 on the way back Great convo with the PAX about what we are currently reading. SPIT ON THAT!!

Eleven knuckleheads ran pre and post Dog Pile. Apparently if you run or bike to ET’s, you get a $0.25 discount on your purchase, making it $10.75 instead of $11. Apology of the day is from Lab Rat to me. You are supposed to join Namerama before you go into ET’s.

Well I can’t remember who all was there for Breakfast club – since the BB was not published – I did my best to recall…. I know this Flipper took us out – and it was very humid running back. If I left you out – let me now I’ll get you on there… Great job guys – see y’all in the gloom.

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