Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Thank You, Big Data.


10 sleek chargers bounded out of the Fart Sack to the latest edition of First Watch. Conditions held steady at 70 and sunny. According to the sports car driver slinking his car through the Pax, the following might have happened:

04:28 YHC arrived to secure the AO.

04:30 Broga start time (Lockjaw had the Q)

04:55 Broga end time

05:00 Mosey around the River Road Church, Baptist (RRCB) Auxiliary Parking lot.

Circle up for the COP.

100 SSHs (x10 men = 1,000 SSHs)

Reach for the sky

Shoulder rolls


Plank up, drop to 6 inches, and hoooollllld it.


Imperial walkers

Scorpion Kicks

Flutter kicks with hands over head

Slow mosey, then super, super slow mosey, then “I want to run by myself” slow. Like, so slow, several PAX walked past YHC.

Stop at Kubota’s truck. Pick a partner. One partner picks up a block.

05:15 Senor Frog coughs.

05:16 Senor Frog still coughing.

Mosey to the end of the parking lot. 5 overhead presses with the block. Partner performs squats. Swap the block. Mosey to the triangle / stop sign. Repeato 5 overhead presses or squats.

Triangle Loop:

(Note: YHC called directions for an exercise that made complete sense in YHC’s head. It made less sense to the PAX.)

Partner 1: Carry the block counter-clockwise around the Triangle. At each corner of the Triangle, do 5 reps with the block.

Partner 2: Run the Triangle clock-wise. When meeting Partner 1, swap the block, and do 5 reps of the exercise. The block continues going counter-clockwise with 5 reps at each corner of the Triangle.

Round 1: Overhead presses

Round 2: bench press

Modification: During Round 1, it became clear quickly that running on River with the blocks was a poor leadership suggestion. On their own, the PAX modified to run on the grass. Smart PAX. Good suggestion. A smart Q listens to the PAX, discards his ego, learns on his feet, and adapts. (Lesson: learning is critical to leadership.)

Mosey to Culpeper and Cameron. 

Hill Work:

Pax 1: Carry block to top of hill on Culpeper and return to the bottom.

Pax 2: Bernie Sanders to top of hill on Cameron and return to the bottom.

Swap and repeato.

One Fast Guy Runs Alone:

Split into 3 groups:

Group 1: one super-fast guy. He runs the neighborhood solo. Thank you, Flo!

Group 2: people with a block carry it up the hill on Culpeper.

Group 3: people without a block bear crawl up Culpeper.

When the runner meets the group, circle up. 

People with blocks form single-file line. Slow mosey back to Cameron, then up the hill to Ridge. While block group runs single-file, remaining PAX runs in a circle around the PAX, Heartbreak Ridge-style. (Some PAX tried to give up by slowing down, attempting to anticipate the Q calling for a swap. The Q softly whispered, “Don’t give the prick the satisfaction.”)

At Ridge and Cameron, circle up. YHC joking called for AYG to the traffic light, then backed off. But, the PAX insisted. AYG it is! 


American hammers
Hello Dolly
Reverse crunches
Ball dipper (1, and only 1)


Convergence on Memorial Day at Tredegar. YHC believes 7 a.m., but let’s get the Convergence Q to check on that. 

Breaking Bread – sign up!

Summer Tour. Check Slack for the routes / requirements. HoneyDo posted them today. As F3RVA’s resident concert touring expert, Shakedown, once noted, few attend every concert on a tour. “You don’t have to complete the Tour to have been on Tour.” Go out there and hit the road!

(Suggestion: Before showing up to Q at an AO, take a few minutes to scout the place.)


And, just like that, Big Data has YHC checked in for 1,000 posts. Boom. Hard to believe YHC has been at this for 7+ years since HoneyDo dragged YHC to WDog, where Bleeder dragged YHC back and forth on the tennis courts. Someone asked today how many total workouts YHC has as Big Data did not start until 2017. YHC guesses somewhere around 1,100. Whatever the number, it’s been fun, and YHC appreciates being a part of this place.

Many thanks to the men who act as leaders everyday for F3RVA. YHC read the list of names ahead of him on the 1K Club, and it is a Who’s Who of role models. No prima donnas at the top, just men setting a solid example for others to follow, both at workouts and in life. It occurred to YHC that not one of those guys is afraid to listen, take suggestions, explore ideas, and improve. Learning is the essence of being a good leader. Today’s workout had a series of exercises to thank them. Most are a staple of their Q’s or personalities. See if you can figure out who is referenced and where.

One Big Data Thank You…the 1K Club exists because of one person. Splinter. Without him, there is no 1K Club, and in many ways, there would not be the community that is F3RVA. Thank you, my friend, for putting forward your time and resources to help this group, completely without compensation. Your contribution is very much appreciated. We owe you a debt of gratitude.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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