44 intrepid gents presented themselves for the first F3 RVA CSAUP. The following is just some of what transpired and YHC has no doubt there are countless other stories to be told here…
Swirly Q (Dogpile): COP in amphitheater. Perform the following on each step (18 steps total): 10 Merkins, 15 Dips, 25 LBC’s. Run (3.3 miles) to next AO – Punisher
Circle K (Punisher): COP. Perform exercise at 3 points…25 LBC, 25 WWII, 10 Burpees. Three rounds…first round, Lunge from point to point, second, Kerioke, third round, bear crawl from point to point. Quick COP at end and then run (3 miles) to next AO (Mary Munford)
Sippy Cup (Mary Munford): COP. First round: Person throws frisbee. PAX runs until frisbee lands. Perform 5 merkins and then “crawl” to frisbee (alternating bear crawls, crab walks, broad jumps, one legged bear crawls, others?). 11’s: Jump Squats and LBCs. 6’s: Burpees and Merkins. Run back to original AO beginning at Grove (2.5 miles).
Swirly leads COT. Adjourn to cookout thoughtfully prepared by Circle K.
Beginning the first workout in the pre-dawn hours, the PAX appeared to fill the entire space of the amphitheater. After a few disclaimers and a warning to “pace yourselves fellas” for the long morning ahead (i.e. 3 hour workout) Swirly began the COP. Given the large number of PAX, the outright enthusiasm shown by all – the sound of Swirly and the PAX hitting their cadence resonated throughout the park…It was all the Q and PAX could do to keep chubs from forming and continue the work at hand. As everyone began the first exercise and advanced up the steps, initial concerns regarding the lack of mumble chatter were quickly laid to rest as the-usual-suspects made their presence known. Once everyone advanced to the top of the amphitheater, the PAX proceeded to run through the city toward the next AO with at least half a dozen flags in hand.
As the PAX began to filter in to Punisher, they were greeted by Circle K who had a full set of provisions available for everyone to refuel. Once everyone was accounted for, Circle K took the Q and led us through the aforementioned beatdown…It’s a frickin’ triangle people! It was about that time that YHC realized this was no ordinary workout and we weren’t even half way through. The mumble chatter of surrounding PAX was alive and well, however, which made the call to advance toward our next AO seem to come somewhat sooner than expected.
It was during the run to Mary that YHC extended an offer to carry Hampton Roads flag being carried by Dreamliner. Having carried a flag during prior run, little thought was given to the fact that this was a) a different flag and b) an industrial grade flag built by RVA brethren. It was at that point that YHC’s pace slowed considerably and he began imagining running with one of Honey Do’s sand bags as a mild form of relief. Tclaps to Dreamline and the rest of the H.R. contingent for carrying that flag through all three legs!
As the PAX filtered in to Mary they descended upon the provisions which were well received by all. Doner Kebab, who was experiencing a bit of chafing, began polling the PAX for some form of lube to ease the friction. Although no one seemed to carry DK’s preferred brand, Big Tennessee (BT) did offer up a pack of his “One Wipe Charlies”. Not knowing if the wipes were suitable for the area upon which DK was looking to apply them did not stop him from giving it a go. YHC learned later that DK was demonstrating odd contortions during the COP due to a burning sensation brought about by the Charlies-wipes.
Sippy led the 3rd Q with his usual precision and timing. Despite leading a PAX which had been moving for over 2 hours, he brought a workout that was diverse and kept everyone on their toes, if not knees. (YHC personally did not have any ability to perform one-legged bear crawls…on a good day they represent a challenge…after running several miles they were fairly impossible.) Sippy then gathered us up at Grove and gave final instructions on how to get back to the starting AO and conclude the workout. Offers were extended to “race” for those who were willing – a challenge taken up by some…not taken by YHC by the way.
As we circled-up we took inventory of those who were there throughout the morning and present. Marv took us out with some highly inspirational words. Many then adjourned to the tailgate where Circle K already had a fire going with his weenies roasting.
Extreme thanks to Circle K, Sippy Cup, and Swirly for pulling this together. Provisons, logistics, and leadership were outstanding!
Particular thanks to Circle K for purchasing all provisions, ensuring proper provisions were available at each AO, and for pulling together an awesome tailgate. IMPORTANT: If you haven’t already, PLEASE throw some deceased-presidents Circle K’s way – in whatever amount you feel appropriate.
Thanks to “Lab Rat brewing company”. I know a lot of effort goes into making what I personally view as an outstanding product…
Thanks to the Hampton Roads PAX for making the trip and joining in our first ever CSAUP. We look forward to attending your first someday
I am certain there were many more achievements and stories, which I look forward to hearing about in the back blast. Thanks for a great day gentlemen. I am truly proud and always appreciative to be part of such a fine group.
Saab abides.
Awesome job by everyone and I venture a lot of personal achievements had by many.
Great 2nd F guys. As my M did the math…”3 hours of working out and 6 hours of tailgating…mmm”
What a great time minus the running! I am struggling to move today, but glad I attended. Still upset I did not get coffee after the beat down. Threw my whole day off. Beer and dogs were a suitable sub! Thanks to the fellas that took the time to plan, organize and execute the 1s of many RVA CSAUP’s! Back to feeling old. Looking forward to the next one! It was truly epic!
Wow! That was a fun morning. Swirly, Sippy, Circle K, you guys us did an awesome job planning, organizing and executing on this event.
McRib was really hurting on the 2nd and 3rd legs of the run but am eager now to start building more strength in that space.
Thanks to Circle K and Lab Rat for the provisions at 2nd F. Lab Rat you brew a nice morning beer. Did the Pax finish all 100 hot dogs?
Job well done Men.
Til next time
Thanks to everyone that organized and led. Great event and great group of guys. Glad I could be a part of it.
Thanks to those who organized and executed on this. While I had to bail halfway up Boulevard in favor of coaching duties, it was great to catch up for a few dogs. My 2.0 was duly impressed that Daddy’s friends welcomed her as well. Thanks, fellas.
Great job PAX! Sorry to miss this one, but I fully intend to participate in the next RVA CSAUP.
Truly awesome day, and as has been said huge Tclaps to the fellas that pulled it together. You know this is a good crew when you can participate in a proper beatdown, go coach a basketball game and then get a call to pick up some beer and get back to the post- CSAUP 2nd F. 9 hours of brotherhood is time well spent!
First CSAUP was a helluva lot of fun thanks to the 44 F3 RVA gents that crushed a serious beat down. Tclaps to Hampton roads for making the trip. While ETs after dogpile is always entertaining, nothing competes with tailgating with your boys for six hours.
Huge thanks to circle k and Sippy cup – excellent job on the BB Saab – appreciate it bro.. So proud of all who participated that was a heck of a beat down !
Tailgating was awesome – some of my muscles are swore today from the workout and all the laughing
See y’all in the gloom…
Great day and thanks to Circle K, Skippy Cup and Swirly for the planning and execution. Excellent inaugural #CSAU. 1st F was tough and resulted in some soreness but the 2nd F made it all worth it.
44 F3 PAX vs 100 hotdogs – F3 PAX wins
Great event. Thanks to all those who planned it. This must be an annual event.
Sorry I had to miss the second F of the tailgate.
Amazing work for everyone that participated especially those who put this all together. Thanks for letting us join in.
Are you kidding me?!? What an epic day! Huge TClaps to Saab, Sippy Cup,Swirly and Circle K for the planning and execution of what has to be at least an annual event, if not more. Lots of great opportunities to catch up with people….I personally got to spend significant time with Winstons, Copernicus, Rosie, Guppy, Spit, Grabber, Emoji, Lockjaw, Pucker, Chumbucket, and Phonics just to name a few during the runs. What other event besides the BRR allows such a wide audience?
Pretty good story was Guppy coming back to run with the “slow guys” and picked me to tag along with. Then, he decided that a restroom was in immediate need. “Stranger Danger”, Lab Rat’s alter ego kicked in and we went off course to run by ET’s to take care of business. After getting rid of some dead weight and a quick hello to Jim behind the griddle, we were able to finish up the run without defiling the AO’s (unlike Fudd).
On that note, solid work to Guppy and Hat Trick for pulling off a crazy thing that most “kids” their age would never even consider doing. Seriously, much respect.
As far as the beer goes, I couldnt think of a better reason to brew a beer. I am pleased as punch that I was able to contribute to such a great event.
One last thing: so happy to see the guys from Hampton Roads come up for some fun. Great to catch up with you men. Look forward to seeing you guys again soon, hopefully before BRR.
Great rundown there Lab Rat. For the record, the only “planning” Saab did was to ensure he was present at Dogpile(6am), and available for post-suds with his F3 brethren (9am to 3pm).
…and handle the backblast for 44+ guys. Just sayin’
I agree with LabRat–I enjoyed getting to know some of the PAX better during the workout. This event certainly exceeded my expectations. It was also great to work with Circle K and Swirly in the planning–we all contributed complementary insights and effort to make it a success. Great job everyone!
Yesterday was awesome for in so many ways. Personal achievement, being together with the Pax and getting to know folks one on one during the runs, and the perfect design and execution by F3’s finest.
A great time all around. Thanks Swirly, Sippy, and Cirlce K!
What an amazing first ever CSAUP for F3RVA!! I was honor to be apart of it.
Def feel this one after all day yesterday and even some this morning.
Side note during Sippy’s Q I notice the sole of my right shoe was coming off! Before heading out for the last run, I pulled it all the off. Made the run a little bit more interesting. Lab Rat this are the same shoes I used at Tomato Run that I still had from HS!
Thanks to Grabber for pushing me during each run!
Thanks also to Swirly, Circle K, and Sippy Cup for Qing!
Great job to all PAX members!!
Great work and planning Circle K, and thanks to all the Qs great beat down in between the legs. I really thought the Qs were going to go light. I was looking forward to the run just to stop the Qin!!! thanks again and so proud to see all of us pushing it out there!!
Epic memories were made with the pax and my son. Super proud of Guppy fighting through the fartsack, twisting his ankle early on the first run, running further than he ever has in one day, getting the Frisbee first, and modifying due to natures call. Classic. Grabber told me yesterday as Guppy’s chatter grew extensively around his ails and for the 25th time said, “My ankle hurts so bad,” Grabber responded, “I understand, my ears hurt from all of your complaining.” This is how boys become men.
Thanks Lab Rat for taking Guppy to relieve his nature call and being an encouragement to him throughout the day. Muchas gracias.
Thanks Circle K for all the organization and collection of the provisions. Guppy loved the box of pop tarts and squirreled it away. M found it and took it from his hiding place and asked him about it. I had to interfere and let everyone know he earned it and he had every right to squirrel away his bounty from CSUP.
Thanks Sippy Cup for coordinating and executing, and Swirly and Circle K in just executing a good old fashion beat down. My legs are trashed, and it feels so GOOD. Till next time…
I forgot about that Grabber comment, that was damn near poetic.
It’s not too late to change BT’s name to One Wipe Charlie
Thanks to all who planned…and congrats to all who participated. Sad to have to leave the tailgate early!
TClaps to Winstons for showing up expecting a 60 min workout…and still running to Linwood Holton with the rest of the PAX!
Much respect for Flipper – dude way to battle – atta baby !
Thank You Swirly, Sippy Cup, and Circle K for planning yet another epic Saturday morning beatdown!!! Sorry to miss the tailgate but I do believe that firepit is a standard for future CSAUP’s!! Sunday morning soreness was at a new stratosphere!! Gentlemen, it was an honor!
As Gumbo said “There is no limit to what you can do today!”
Had been anticipating a great time at the CSAUP for a few weeks. It surpassed every expectation. Thank you Sippy Cup, Circle K, And Swirly for all the time you spent organizing the event. Although it took me a few times to realize what they were doing, thank you to all those who honked at the flag as they drove by. Real feeling of pride. Looking forward to the next one. Unsure if my favorite flag carrying memory was Abacus carrying the flag the entire time with both hands or Hardywood finishing the last run at Dogpile holding the flag straight up at the bottom of the pole.
This was absolutely the stupidest thing ever. Thank You Circle K, Swirly, and Sippy for the planning. There is a special place in the lowest rings of Hell for all of you. Ok.. I feel better now. I have no business doing what we did Saturday and I love everyone of you for making me push my poor Flipper’s further than they have ever gone. Thanks to Flashdance and EF Hutton for circling back for me multiple times. This was a teaching moment for my son. I told him I ran 8.5 miles further than I have ever run. I asked him what place do you think Dad came in…. ugh I don’t know he said… I said dead freaking last… but you know what son… I was in serious pain… it totally sucked… but I have it my all and I never Quit. And when I finished my F3 brothers cheered me on and I earned there respect. You can’t buy a teaching moment like that. See you all in the gloom when I can walk again.
Yeeeesssss! Brother, that was a HERCULEAN effort. I know it hurt, but you killed it. Swirly said you get the Lion Heart award and I couldn’t agree more. That’s what it’s all about. Aye, Aye!
Well done Flipdog! Much Respect!
Well said sir! Respect!
Priceless lesson for Flipper 2.0 – sometimes it is not about where you finish but just that you finish. Way to gut it out Flip-dog and everyone else who pushed through the pain and soreness. Respect! Aye!