Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Tomato Run

4 runners with an average age of 37.5 got in their run for the week route was head to Giles and get in the full loop. Cut over to Craney Island and then do a loop around the church before heading back over the flyover to head back to Rutland getting in just over 4 miles Good to have Handshake back out with us. Prayers for Glide as he has surgery today to repair a torn tendon in his ankle Prayers also for Corned Beef’s mom as she recovers from a stoke Spit On That!

YHC was glad to get back to working out and this run venue was a great start. We had a newer F3 brother post who first posted at No Toll, post this morning. We had 2 ruckers and 6 runners total show up for a great workout this morning. Hash and Speakeasy took off and logged in 5 miles. The remaining runners ran reverse BoJangles loop to get the cardio up, we walked for about a minute every 10 minutes and kept our average per mile pace at 10 minutes and logged in just over 4 miles. Our route continued…

YHC showed up with Hash to see two Rucker’s cars and no one else, initially we thought it would be a father son run; however, Opus and Mr. Holland showed up and we kept a level route with a sub 9:30 minute per mile pace ran for 2 miles then walked for about 4 minutes when Hash piped up that it’s time to run again. We continued running for another mile, then Opus and Mr. Holland walked for about 3 minutes while Hash and YHC ran to the clubhouse for about 3.2 miles total then stopped for a cool down…

2 Davillian Ruckers and 2 Runners embrace the suck of the rainy and 34 gloom to get in their miles The Ruckers can blame the rain for getting turnaround to get some extra credit in for 4.8 miles The Runners can blame the rain for doing a run/walk instead of a full run to get in 3.2 miles The rest of the PAX can blame the rain for staying in their fartsacks SPIT ON THAT!!

1 rucker and 1 runner showed out the day after we had some our largest numbers in week at a Daville workout to get in their miles. Boo Boo did the rucking and had to keep it short due some “ extra curricular activities” to get in 2.5 miles YHC after waiting to see if any LIFO’s would be joining did a walk/run getting in a 5k Great weather for a Ruck/Run today Hope you fellas enjoyed the fart sack SPIT ON THAT!!

3 runners and one rucker launched from Rutland. YHC had loosely planned a loop through Giles and returning via Craney Island. Because this would be a bit short of four miles, planned in anticipation of any PAX members wanting an easy day, three options for lengthening the route were available–a loop of the small neighborhood down Warren Ave., running all the way to the back of Giles, and running all the way through Craney Island before looping back. YHC and Mr. Holland did the first two options, reaching about 4.3 miles. Marco Polo did them all for about 5.3 miles.…

2 Davillians burned some calories before the turkey was a 6 am run Route was a traditional one with a loop around Rutland and the full trail loop in Cool Spring. Speakeasy ran from and to his house getting im cool to 4. YHC finished with the Bojangles loop getting in 4.25 All life issues were solved during run Happy Thanksgiving fellas! SPIT ON THAT!!

4 runners descended on the Rutland Clubhouse to ask each other who was Qing. No one was Qing, so YHC led the PAX off on an effort to get everyone lost on his home turf. Over about 4 miles Opus was sometimes lost and Mr. Holland frequently lost. No luck with Bulkhead. Numbers, names, Opus took us out.

6 Davillians and a four legged friend got in their Thursday morning ruck or ran Ruckers met at 5am and got in 4 miles The trio of runners ran a classic route round Rutland, Cool Spring West trail and finished with the Bojangles loop. Tonka push hard for 2.5 and then walk/run for a mile for 3.5. YHC wanted to finish without stopping which successively did to get the full 4 miles Speakeasy got in a little extra and got 4.5 miles Mumble chatter was good and help the run go by better SPIT ON THAT!!

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