Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

SOJ knows it is always sunny in the gloom


The rumors were swirling that the north of the river men were saying that SOJ wouldn’t hack the cold weather. This morning 12 angry SOJ beasts showed up to prove them wrong…wearing jorts of course!

Here is how it went down

Warmarama- quick mosey to the front of the entrance and back followed by SSH, Don Q, Imperial Walkers, Cherry pickers, Merkins, LBC’s

11’s – Decline merkins & jump squats- runner to the opposite end of the parking lot

triple check with coupons- curls, skull crushers, runner to the other side of parking lot

BUILD THE HILL- 1/4 way up the hill 5 burpees…back to the bottom ….1/4 way 5 burpees continue to 1/2 way for 10 mountain climbers….back to the bottom…followed by burpees, mountain climbers and 3/4 way 15 lbc…lastly climb one more time 5burpees , 10mountain climbers, 15 LBC, 20 SSH

Still time left for more coupon work…circled up for a you call it around the circle of alternating excercises rotating coupons for each exercise ( curls 2x, skull crushers, squats, chest press, shoulder press, WW2, leg raise, coupon hold above head, calf raise, merkins,rock copters)

announcements- ruck for food, thanksgiving Q at Mary Mumford

YHC took us out in prayer

Great work this morning guys. Always an honor to lead this group.


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