Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Some Agile MFers


With ideal temperatures, 5 men gathered at Twin Team for another epic coupon themed beat down. The following is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure:

Mosey behind the school for Warm Up:
SSH’s, Ukranian Soldiers, Helicopters, Shoulder Taps, Alabama Prom Dates. To the Baseline for Lunge Walks, Leg Huggers, Appalachian Lunge Walks, Hillbillies.

Exercise One: Indigenous People Run: Wall Sit Edition.
PAX do Hoedowns on the Wall, Man in the back breaks off and does 3 burpees, then runs to the front. We worked our way down the back wall of the school.

Exercise Two: Coupon Circuit
Round 1: Runner goes around parking lot, American Hammers w/Kettle Bell, Upright Row (KB), WWII Sit-ups with Medicine Ball, Agility ladder – PAX choice
*We rotated between all of the stations
Round 2: Hill sprints x 5, Goblet Squats (KB), Halo’s w/Medicine Ball, Agility Ladder, LBC’s (KB)
Round 3: Bear Crawl up sidewalk, run back; Agility Ladder, Lt. Dans with Medicine Ball, Bench Press (KB), Lawnmower Pulls (KB)

Wrapped things up with 50 Pole Smokers, 50 Dips, 75 jump squats, and 1 minutes of Monkey Humpers

Final Thoughts: Lots of soreness from other workouts this morning, but the PAX powered through! Great seeing Senor Frog creep across the river to hang out with us. Enjoyed being back at Twin Team after missing pretty much the entire summer.



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