Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rock out with your block out


SOJ takeover of First Watch complete. According to the female runners using the Spider’s campus as their personal toilet (ask Splinter), here is how it went down: 

With Wildcat as copilot, we roll up to the AO with a truck full of borrowed cinderblocks (via Satan’s Hill) around 4:50 a.m. to find three homeless men apparently asleep on the pavement. False alarm. Just some of the Pax knocking out a little broga. 

Began to discreetly unload the surprise cinderblocks and get greeted by a down range Pax member from Florida aka “Papa Smurf.”  He apparently was a second cousin of someone (I forget). 

Rally the guys. 5 on the dot, I announce the official SOJ takeover and we get rolling. 

Warmorama: Mosey down Cameron road back up to Culpepper road.

Various warmup exercises performed along the way including copperhead squats, merkins, LBCs, dead man hangs, etc. 

Roll back into the parking lot and greet the guys with our twelve cinderblocks. Apparently the guys appreciated the pristine condition of the New Market blocks, citing the lack of rust water or whatever stuff is in the back or Kubotas’s pickup. 

Part 1: Line up along long end of the parking lot for 11s (cinderblock press and air squats on other side). We started with 10 cinderblock press/1 air squat. Ended with 1 cinderblock press/10 air squats. Fun. 

20 second rest. Alternating arm farmer carry around the lot and overhead cinderblock hold (hallelujah). 

Part 2: Perfect number (9) for triple check, so that’s what we did. Three teams:

  1. Wildcat/Kubota/Hand Shake
  2. Heist/Senor Frog/Papa Smurf
  3. Splinter/EF Hutton/Last Call

Exercises were incline pushups/cinderblock swing and runner to the utility box off River Road. 

20 second rest. Alternating arm farmer carry around the lot and overhead cinderblock hold (hallelujah). 

Part 3: Circle up with blocks. Little hot potato session, where each guy took a turn calling out an exercise. Next round that guy would rotate as runner for time (lets say 30/45 seconds. Examples of exercises called:

  1. Curls
  2. Squats
  3. Dips
  4. Derkins (feet in block)
  5. Somewhat modified APDs ?
  6. Burpee block presses
  7. Tricep extensions

Only a few minutes left so another round of alternating arm farmer carry around the lot and overhead cinderblock hold (hallelujah). 

Pax helped me put blocks back and time!


Announcements: Kayak adventure next Wednesday from 5 to 6 am. Need to bring own kayak. See Kubota for details.

Wildcat took us out in prayer. 

Many thanks guys. Good seeing everyone. Good mumble chatter as always. People need to check out First Watch at least once. Good times. 


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